Red Cross volunteers recognized include (left to right) back row: Tom Beckett, Dan Rhodebeck, Janet Rhodebeck, Sally Sayers, Ellen Shaw, Teresa Shipman, Jackie Weaver and Brenda Harden; front row: Rita Barton, Dena Beckett, Nancy Foos, Travis Fox, Anna Friday and Susan Grundy.
Courtesy photos | Brenda Harden

Rita Barton (far right) recognized five individuals for their support (left to right): Nancy Foos, Jackie Weaver, Becky Glass, Noni Wheeler and Brenda Harden.
Courtesy photos | Brenda Harden

Blood donors recognized for donating more than 10 gallons are (left to right) Renee Ness, Dr. Allen Stojkovic, Teresa Shipman, Ron Swisher, Sharon Kelsey, Nancy Jesson, Susan Pollard, Jack Pollard, Bonnie Franklin, Dayle Lambert and Susie Colgrove.
Courtesy photos | Brenda Harden

Courtesy photos | Brenda Harden
The Morrow County Chapter of the American Red Cross celebrated its annual recognition banquet at Mount Gilead State Park Sept. 19.
The Karen Fishburn Stewardship Award was given to Janet and Dan Rhodebeck for their volunteer work over many years. Red Cross Community Volunteer Leader Rita Barton said the Rhodebecks have helped with the blood mobiles and helped coordinate the blood mobile schedules.
“Really, the Rhodebecks help with whatever needs to get done,” Barton said. “We count on them.”
Barton spoke about the importance of blood donors. “There are eight units (pints) of blood in each gallon, and each unit can save or help three lives.”
Individuals recognized for donating 10 gallons or more were Renee Ness, Teresa Shipman, Ron Swisher, Sharon Kelsey, Nancy Jesson, Susan Pollard, Jack Pollard, Bonnie Franklin, Dayle Lambert and Susie Colgrove. Dr. Allen Stojkovic was recognized for giving 31 gallons plus 6 pints of blood.
Each 10-gallon donor has helped or saved 240 lives.
Rod Cook, executive director for the East Central Ohio Chapter of the American Red Cross, praised the volunteer strength and contributions of the Morrow County Chapter, which is one of 13 counties in the chapter he oversees. Cook said he depends on the local leadership, and he thanked Barton for her many volunteer efforts and named her Chapter Director of the Year.
Barton named five people as her “right-arm people.” They are volunteers who are willing to help in many different ways. They are Nancy Foos, Jackie Weaver, Becky Glass, Noni Wheeler and Brenda Harden. Volunteers recognized for their work with the blood mobiles were Dena Beckett, Nancy Foos, Travis Fox, Anna Friday, Susan Grundy, Tom Beckett, Dan Rhodebeck, Janet Rhodebeck, Sally Sayers, Ellen Shaw, Teresa Shipman, Jacke Weaver and Brenda Harden.
Prior to the recognition program, volunteers enjoyed pizza donated by Highland Pizza in Sparta, Pizza to Go in Marengo, and Pizza Hut and Pizzaburg in Mount Gilead.
For more information about volunteering for the Red Cross, donating blood, and helping with Red Cross disaster relief, the local phone number is 419-946-2811.
The Morrow County Red Cross office is located at 37 W. Center St. in Mount Gilead.
Alberta Stojkovic is a correspondent for The Morrow County Sentinel.