Measles alert at Sydney Airport after infectious passenger arrives

NSW Health has issued an alert for airline passengers to be alert for symptoms of measles after a person flew into Sydney from overseas with the infection.

The adult caught the disease in Africa and was infectious on an international flight into Sydney.

Passengers on Qantas flight QF128 from Hong Kong to Sydney, which landed at 7am on Monday, as well as anybody in baggage claim or arrivals on that morning should be on the lookout for symptoms.

Passengers on QF128 from Hong Kong to Sydney, which landed at 7am on Monday, are being warned. (Getty)

Dr Sean Tobin, Associate Director of the Northern Sydney Public Health Unit, said people who may be susceptible to measles and were on the flight or at the airport should be alert for symptoms until October 20 due to the incubation period.

“Those most likely to be susceptible to measles are infants under 12 months of age who are too young to be vaccinated, anyone who is not fully vaccinated against the disease, which may include some adults and people with a weakened immune system,” Tobin said.

“It can take up to 18 days for symptoms to appear after an exposure, so it is really important to stay vigilant if you’ve been exposed, and if you develop symptoms, please call ahead to your GP or emergency department.”

Symptoms include fever, sore eyes, and a cough, followed three or four days later by a red, blotchy, non-itchy, rash spreading from the head and neck to the rest of the body.

Symptoms include fever, sore eyes, and a cough followed by a red, blotchy rash. (Getty)

Measles is a highly contagious infection which is spread in the air through coughing or sneezing by someone who is unwell with the disease.

A man who flew into Western Australia from Bali is among the cases.

Measles remains common in many parts of the world, with large outbreaks currently happening in some places.

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