Nasty Covid symptoms to look out for as new wave of infections sweeps across UK

Worried scientists say a new strain of coronavirus sweeping Britain could have some unheard of and nasty symptoms which have sparked fears the population is unprepared.

Hospital cases are again on the rise and with a colder El Niño winter expected to hammer down temperatures and also because of the new variant, booster vaccines have been brought forward. It is now estimated there are Pirola cases in most UK regions since it was first detected in Denmark in July. As of September 18, the highly mutated strain from Omicron has now been confirmed in 54 positive Covid-19 cases.

And with testing levels no longer anywhere near those seen in 2021 and 2022, the real figure may be a good deal higher. According to the Government, the main symptoms of Pirola are the classic ones you would expect from Covid, including high fever, cough, cold and a loss of sense of taste or smell.

Woman smelling orange peel, as she loses sense of smell.

A loss of the sense of smell could be a sign of Covid

However, because it is a multi-mutated and highly immune-system evasive strain of coronavirus that is fast becoming the dominant strain in the UK, with positive cases doubling almost every few days in recent weeks, experts have warned that while there is currently no evidence the new strain is more likely to make people seriously ill than other variants in circulation, there is not enough proof yet that that it any less (or more) capable of causing serious illness and death.

This strain – named by scientists as BA.2.86 – is a ‘descendant’ of Omicron but has 35 mutations as part of the virus which the vaccines are designed to target, known as the spike protein. There are also mutations that might help Pirola evade the natural protection we have from our immune system. It means people’s immunity isn’t as high as it should be and we could see another large wave of infections and increase in people becoming seriously ill.

University of Nottingham virologist Professor Jonathan Ball said: “Pirola has made people sit up because of the unusually large number of mutations. Viruses naturally mutate to survive. But when there’s 30 or more mutations, scientists need to ask what that means. Does it make vaccines less effective, could it transmit more easily than Omicron and does it cause more serious disease?”

The Department of Health and Social Care has now moved forward by a month the roll-out of autumn boosters in an attempt to get on top of the rising cases of the new strain. It means the most at-risk individuals could receive their jabs sooner than planned. Health officials and ministers believe this will help reduce pressure on the health service, while also buying time for scientists to investigate Pirola further.

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