Sour Candy for Anxiety Isn’t Just a TikTok Trend, Experts Explain How It Really Works

In recent times, an intriguing trend has emerged, suggesting that sour candy might serve as an unexpected remedy for anxiety and panic attacks. The basic premise behind this unconventional notion is that the intense taste of sour candies can momentarily distract the brain from feelings of anxiety and panic, effectively redirecting the mind’s focus. While this trend has gained popularity on platforms like TikTok and garnered attention from various online sources, it begs the question: can sour candy truly provide respite from anxiety? Mental health experts offer their insights on the matter, weighing the scientific validity of this intriguing concept and its long-term sustainability.

The Science Behind Sour Candy for Anxiety Relief

Drawing parallels with age-old techniques like snapping a rubber band on the wrist to alleviate anxiety, consuming sour candies is considered a distraction strategy. This tactic effectively redirects the brain’s attention away from overwhelming emotions such as fear and anxiety and towards the intense and assertive flavors within the mouth.

Dr. Toya Roberson-Moore, MD, associate medical director and psychiatrist at Pathlight Mood & Anxiety Center, explains that panic typically arises when the amygdala, a part of the brain, triggers the fight-or-flight response. Dampening this response and mitigating panic can be achieved by redirecting attention to the present moment through the senses, including taste. Sour candy serves as a rapid and intense sensory experience, shifting focus away from anxiety and enhancing access to the frontal cerebral cortex—the thinking part of the brain. Consequently, the thinking brain can signal to the emotional brain that there is no imminent danger, quelling panic.

In essence, sucking on sour candies offers a means to anchor one’s attention in the present moment. It can serve as a lifeline, pulling individuals away from anxiety-induced spirals of thought and returning them to the here and now, as suggested by mental health counselor Dr. John Delony, PhD. Moreover, to enhance the effectiveness of this technique, individuals can deliberately concentrate on the sensations evoked by the candy or introduce additional physical sensations.

These physical grounding techniques might encompass inhaling essential oils, running fingers over textured objects like small rocks, or listening to music with complex chords—all strategies designed to tether individuals to the present and alleviate anxiety.

The Sustainability of Sour Candy as an Anxiety Management Tool

While sour candy has demonstrated its effectiveness in calming sporadic panic episodes, it should not be considered a comprehensive solution for generalized anxiety. Many mental health experts caution against relying solely on distraction techniques, as they may serve as short-term fixes or even develop into unhealthy coping mechanisms.

Dr. Roberson-Moore underscores the potential pitfalls of using sugary foods like candy to alleviate panic symptoms. Such practices can become maladaptive coping mechanisms, ultimately exacerbating anxiety issues. A 2017 study suggests that distraction strategies are most beneficial when combined with acceptance exercises, highlighting the importance of holistic approaches to anxiety management.

To address recurring anxiety or panic attacks, individuals are encouraged to seek help from mental health professionals who may recommend a range of treatments. These could include talk therapy, medication, mindfulness exercises, or a combination thereof. Rather than relying on the fleeting relief offered by candies, a more sustainable approach to anxiety management may involve a multifaceted treatment plan tailored to individual needs.

Considerations and Potential Downsides

Beyond the risk of sour candy becoming an unhealthy coping mechanism, regular consumption of sugary candies carries other significant drawbacks. Depending on frequency and quantity, individuals may inadvertently consume high levels of added sugars, which can conflict with broader health goals. Furthermore, sour candy is a high-glycemic food that can cause drastic fluctuations in blood sugar levels. Paradoxically, this attempted anxiety remedy might trigger symptoms resembling anxiety, such as shakiness, irritability, and rapid heart rate.

Dr. Roberson-Moore also notes the potential long-term impact of excessive sugar intake, including decreased levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). BDNF plays a role in reducing anxiety and panic; therefore, a deficiency in this protein could worsen anxiety over time.

Alternative Strategies for Coping with Anxiety

While the occasional sour candy may pose minimal harm, there are alternative coping mechanisms that not only prioritize nutrition but also offer more effective means of managing anxiety. Extensive research supports cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness-based meditation, and physical exercise as valuable strategies for handling and potentially overcoming anxiety disorders.

When confronted with feelings of panic, individuals can explore anxiety-reduction techniques that don’t necessitate sugary candy. Dr. Roberson-Moore recommends focusing on relaxation skills training as a primary step. This includes practices like deep breathing, meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, and guided imagery—all of which can be effective in reducing anxiety before engaging in cognitive work.

In conclusion, while the idea of using sour candy as a quick distraction from anxiety has gained popularity, it is important to approach this trend with caution and consider its long-term implications. Sour candy can offer temporary relief but is not a substitute for professional treatment when dealing with chronic anxiety or panic disorders. Balancing immediate relief with sustainable strategies and seeking guidance from mental health experts remains crucial in effectively managing anxiety for the long haul.

It’s important to recognize that anxiety is a complex mental health condition that may require a multifaceted approach to treatment. While sour candy or other sensory distractions may provide momentary relief by engaging the senses and diverting attention, they do not address the underlying causes of anxiety or provide individuals with the necessary tools to cope with their emotions effectively. Moreover, relying solely on such methods can potentially lead to unhealthy coping mechanisms or even an increased reliance on sweets, which may have negative consequences for one’s overall health.

Professional treatment options, such as therapy and medication, are evidence-based approaches to managing anxiety disorders. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), for instance, equips individuals with valuable skills to recognize and challenge anxious thoughts and behaviors. Medications, prescribed and monitored by healthcare professionals, can help regulate brain chemistry and alleviate symptoms.

Ultimately, the journey to managing anxiety is unique for each individual, and what works as a quick distraction for one person may not be effective for another. It is crucial to consider the full spectrum of available treatments and consult with mental health experts to develop a comprehensive and personalized approach to anxiety management. While sour candy may provide a momentary burst of relief, it should be seen as just one small tool in a broader toolkit for managing anxiety in a healthy and sustainable way.