Red Cross collecting donations amidst blood shortage

The American Red Cross put out an urgent request for additional donations last month.

YORK COUNTY, Pa. — Blood supplies in the United States are still at low levels, despite a nationwide call for donations. 

The American Red Cross provides life-sustaining blood to about 2,700 hospitals across the country. However, American Red Cross Account Manager Bonnie Wolf says this shortage is significant.

“We have an urgent need that we announced nationwide about three or four weeks ago,” she said. “Lots of people have come out and donated based upon that urgent message, but we still need thousands of donations.”

Dozens showed up to donate at the York JCC, one of several American Red Cross donation drives across the region this week.

Wolf said the Red Cross will accept donations of all blood types, but some groups are more critical. 

“Type O- and O+ we’re always looking for because they’re the universal [and] can be given to people with other blood types,” she said. “Right now, all the negative blood types are low. Please, if you have one of those blood types, make an appointment soon and come out and donate blood.”

To find an appointment near you or for more information about the next FOX43 blood drive, visit 

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