Taraji P. Henson’s Shares What Her Typical Workout Looks Like—and It’s Intense

Her weightlifting sessions last for an hour. And then she does an hour of cardio.

At 50 years old, actress Taraji P. Henson continues to captivate audiences not only with her incredible acting talent but also with her stunning physique. Recently, she shared a glimpse of her rigorous workouts on Instagram, showcasing her dedication to fitness. In a video, she is seen performing squats in the gym, accompanied by the caption, “Workin.”

The post quickly garnered an array of supportive comments, adorned with muscle, fire, and peach emojis, as well as words of encouragement from her fans and followers. However, one individual who stood out in showing unwavering support for Henson is her trainer of over seven years, Mike T. He reposted her workout video on his Instagram, emphasizing the importance of consistency and hard work in achieving fitness goals.

Mike T’s Instagram account is brimming with photos and videos of Henson’s workouts, offering a sneak peek into the training regimen that has contributed to her impressive physique. As the owner of Force Fitness Inc. and trainer to renowned actresses like Storm Reid and Meagan Good, Mike T has been guiding Taraji P. Henson’s fitness journey since the inception of the TV series “Empire.” In an exclusive interview with Health, Mike T sheds light on Henson’s recent workout video and provides insights into the comprehensive approach that keeps her in enviable shape.

The Landmine Squat: Shaping the Glutes and Quads

In the video that Henson shared, she is performing a landmine squat—a squat variation where the weight is placed at the front rather than on the back. According to Mike T, this exercise is integral to sculpting Henson’s physique, particularly focusing on her quad and glute muscles. He explains that the landmine squat mimics a squatting motion while leaning forward slightly, intensifying the engagement of the front quadriceps and activating the glutes during the descent.

Typically, Henson performs around five sets of 15 repetitions of the landmine squat during her workouts. Depending on the weight she uses or her training objectives for the week, the rep count may increase to as many as 20 repetitions.

A Comprehensive Workout Routine

Henson’s fitness journey encompasses a holistic workout routine, comprising various exercises designed to target different muscle groups. Here’s an overview of her typical workout, designed and supervised by Mike T:

1. Warm-Up: Henson initiates her workout with a warm-up session to loosen her leg muscles. This usually involves using the elliptical machine or treadmill.

2. Squats: The workout commences with standard squats, with the barbell placed on her back. Henson’s squat routine includes lifting weights ranging from 135 to 150 pounds on heavier days, performing 10 to 12 repetitions. Landmine squats, as seen in her recent video, follow the standard squats.

3. Leg Press Machine: Mike T emphasizes targeting the quadriceps by incorporating leg press exercises. Henson completes ten repetitions with her feet positioned wide apart and another ten with her legs together, repeating this cycle four times.

4. Deadlifts: To engage her hamstring muscles, Henson performs deadlifts. Mike T initiates this exercise with a medium-weight kettlebell and incorporates a deadlift-squat combination for about 20 repetitions, using varying weights.

5. Hamstring Curls: Henson proceeds to work on her hamstrings through hamstring curls, utilizing a technique known as the “7-7-7 series.” This entails performing seven repetitions with toes pointing straight, followed by seven repetitions with toes pointing inward and another seven with toes pointing outward, totaling 21 repetitions to comprehensively engage the hamstring muscles. Isolated hamstring curls, focusing on one leg at a time, may also be included, comprising 12 to 15 repetitions per leg.

Mike T employs two essential strategies during hamstring curls: extended contraction periods to thoroughly work the muscle and the implementation of drop sets. In a drop set, if Henson completes 15 reps of hamstring curls at 30 pounds, her subsequent 15 reps are performed at 20 pounds. This technique effectively exhausts and shapes the muscle.

6. Cardio: Following the weightlifting segment of her workout, Henson dedicates an additional hour to cardio exercises. Her primary choice for cardio is the StairMaster, strategically selected to optimize fat burning and target various areas of the body efficiently. While her goal isn’t necessarily weight loss but rather toning and tightening, the StairMaster helps maintain a lean physique by efficiently engaging the body’s fat-burning mechanisms.

Maintaining her sculpted physique necessitates dedication, with Henson committing to a rigorous workout routine spanning a minimum of 5 to 7 days per week. Her unwavering work ethic serves as an inspiration to many, and her upcoming “Force Fitness 30-Day Challenge” video series, to be released by Mike T, will provide viewers with an opportunity to follow her fitness and nutrition regimen from the comfort of their homes.

Staying Motivated: Mike T’s Advice

For those who struggle with motivation to exercise regularly, Mike T offers valuable advice based on his extensive experience as a fitness trainer:

1. Set Short-Term Goals: Rather than fixating solely on the end result, which may seem distant, consider setting shorter-term goals that are more achievable. Breaking down your fitness journey into manageable milestones allows you to experience progress more frequently and stay motivated. As you reach one goal, you can seamlessly transition to the next, creating a continuous path of improvement.

2. Be Realistic About Timeframes: It’s essential to establish realistic expectations regarding the time required to achieve your fitness objectives. Life’s demands, such as work schedules and family responsibilities, can occasionally disrupt your gym routine. By acknowledging this reality and embracing a flexible approach, you can navigate interruptions without losing sight of your long-term goals.

In summary, Taraji P. Henson’s dedication to her fitness journey, guided by the expertise of Mike T, exemplifies the remarkable results that consistent effort and a comprehensive workout routine can yield. Her commitment serves as a testament to the transformative power of fitness, inspiring others to embark on their own journeys toward a healthier and stronger self.