Would-be blood donors at Tel Aviv hospital today must register first

People in the Dan Region who want to donate blood on Sunday must register in advance and come at the appointed time between and noon and 7:00 p.m. to Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center.

Magen David Adom blood donor facilities will be open on the minus-2 floor of the Sammy Ofer building’s parking lot.

Due to the directives of the Home Front Command that require that the waiting area and the blood donation area be protected, would-be donors must come at the exact time for which they registered at: https://wlappoint-tasmc.health.gov.il/wlzimon/home/36245,99999/

Donors must meet the following criteria:

Age: 18 to 60; make sure that three months have passed since the last blood donation. If there was a very severe reaction in previous blood donations such as loss of consciousness or convulsions, one should not donate.

Donors must weigh more than 50 kilos, and their blood pressure values must not exceed 180/100 or be below 100/60 mm Hg.

People donate blood as part of a blood-drive following a mass-rampage by armed Palestinian infiltrators into Israel, in Jerusalem October 9, 2023. (credit: REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun)

There is no contraindication to donating blood during the menstrual cycle. Pregnant women should not donate blood. New mothers may give blood six months after delivery.

Do no donate blood 12 hours before flying/diving/adventure sports/or engaging in professions that require increased concentration (such as public transportation drivers on shift, work at heights, etc.

During an acute illness, don’t give blood. If you have been receiving antibiotics, you can give blood after the treatment ends and you have fully recovered from your infection.  

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