13 Natural Remedies for Arthritis Pain

From supplements to exercise or weight loss, these natural treatments for osteoarthritis might help ease your pain.

Anne Harding, a distinguished health and science writer renowned for her expertise in a diverse array of subjects encompassing psychology, neuroscience, nutrition, and ecology, has contributed her insightful articles to esteemed platforms such as CNN.com, Time.com, Everyday Health, Reuters Health, LiveScience, More magazine, and TimeOut New York. In this comprehensive exploration, we delve into the realm of osteoarthritis, a debilitating condition that afflicts millions of Americans, seeking to shed light on proven natural remedies that offer respite from its relentless grip.

Osteoarthritis, colloquially referred to as “degenerative joint disease” or the insidious “wear and tear” arthritis, stands as the prevailing form of arthritis, as elucidated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). A harrowing reality confronts those afflicted by this malady as the gradual erosion of joint cartilage precipitates bone-on-bone friction, unleashing a torrent of excruciating pain and profound physical disability. Statistics underscore the gravity of the situation, with over 32.5 million Americans ensnared by its clutches.

In the absence of a definitive cure, the management of osteoarthritis revolves around a multifaceted approach aimed at ameliorating its symptoms. Weight management emerges as a cornerstone of this strategy, offering a glimmer of hope amid the adversity. Laura Robbins, the Senior Vice President of Education and Academic Affairs at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City, underscores the significance of maintaining a healthy weight. She expounds that for every pound shed, four pounds of pressure evaporate from the beleaguered knees, signifying the substantial relief that diligent weight management can confer.

Roy Altman, MD, a prominent rheumatologist and professor of medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles, further underscores the transformative potential of weight loss. He reveals that some individuals may witness the complete vanquishment of their symptoms by shedding a modest 10 to 20 pounds. This revelation underscores the profound interplay between weight management and osteoarthritis, spotlighting it as an indispensable component of holistic care.

The paradigm shift in understanding the role of exercise in osteoarthritis management has been revolutionary. Contrary to antiquated notions that physical activity exacerbates the condition, contemporary insights emphasize its therapeutic value. The CDC elucidates that physical activity is a linchpin in the care regimen for osteoarthritis patients. This revelation extends to the spectrum of possibilities, from ambulating within one’s living space to the soothing embrace of aquatic laps.

To craft an effective exercise regimen, both aerobic activities like walking, swimming, or cycling and strength-building exercises, including isometric and isotonic workouts, should be incorporated. Here, Dr. Altman lends his expertise, urging individuals to approach exercise with moderation and mindfulness. Runners grappling with knee osteoarthritis should collaborate with healthcare professionals or physical therapists to navigate their journey, all while attuned to their bodies’ cues. The choice of appropriate footwear, soft terrains for running, and cautious calibration of intensity are pivotal considerations.

Acupuncture, an ancient therapeutic modality, emerges as a beacon of hope for those seeking respite from osteoarthritis pain. Dr. Altman elucidates the nuanced landscape of acupuncture’s efficacy in osteoarthritis. While a 2019 study published in the journal Medicine suggests favorable outcomes in treating knee osteoarthritis, a 2018 Cochrane review offers a more conservative assessment regarding its benefits for hip osteoarthritis. The truth, as Dr. Altman articulates, lies betwixt these extremes, with acupuncture offering solace to some but not all. This therapy represents a personalized avenue worth exploring in the pursuit of relief.

Glucosamine, a natural constituent of cartilage, assumes a pivotal role in the armamentarium of osteoarthritis interventions. However, Dr. Altman underscores the critical importance of discernment when navigating the array of glucosamine products. Glucosamine sulfate stands as the venerated variant with documented efficacy, while glucosamine hydrochloride languishes in equivocal terrain. The dosage regimen further complicates this landscape, with studies extolling the virtues of a 1,500-milligram daily dose for optimal absorption.

The American College of Rheumatology (ACR) introduces a note of caution, advising restraint in the use of glucosamine, particularly for knee, hip, or hand osteoarthritis. The ACR highlights the incongruities in efficacy between industry-funded studies and publicly funded ones. It elucidates that the toxicity risk of glucosamine is minimal, albeit with the potential for modest elevations in serum glucose levels among some recipients.

Chondroitin, another integral cartilage constituent, beckons as a viable adjunct in the osteoarthritis arsenal. The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) suggests that while chondroitin may not wield formidable powers against knee or hip osteoarthritis pain, it harbors a sterling safety record in extensive investigations. A 2015 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews analysis, comprising almost 10,000 participants, lends credence to its modest pain-alleviating prowess. Dr. Altman echoes this sentiment, touting the safety profile of chondroitin and its potential in hand osteoarthritis.

The therapeutic landscape expands further into the realm of supplements, each holding the promise of relief but tethered to varying degrees of scientific substantiation. Avocado/soybean unsaponifiables (ASU) beckon with preliminary evidence suggesting modest efficacy in assuaging osteoarthritis symptoms. Rose hips and concentrated ginger merit consideration as well, although further research is necessitated to fully unlock their potential. The caveat here lies in the variable response to dietary supplements, which hinge on factors such as formulation, dosage, frequency, and interactions with concurrent medications. The sage counsel remains to engage healthcare providers or pharmacists for guidance prior to embarking on any supplement regimen.

The topical arena unfolds with mentholated rubs and creams, invoking a sensory experience but offering limited respite from osteoarthritis. Dr. Altman elucidates the mechanisms of these counterirritants, which produce a fleeting cooling sensation that momentarily eclipses pain without addressing its root cause. Capsaicin cream, derived from the fiery core of chili peppers, extends a more substantive lifeline to osteoarthritis sufferers. The National Library of Medicine deciphers capsaicin’s modus operandi, wherein it orchestrates a reduction in nerve cell activity associated with pain perception, ultimately diminishing the agony.

Electrical interventions surge to the forefront as formidable allies in the war against osteoarthritis pain and inflammation. Transcutaneous electrostimulation, or TENS, boasts a remarkable success rate, with approximately 50 percent of individuals experiencing a 50 percent pain reduction, according to a 2015 Cochrane review. Electroacupuncture, an innovative fusion of acupuncture and electrical stimulation, demonstrates potential in mitigating pain and alleviating joint stiffness, as corroborated by a 2016 study. These electrifying therapies underscore the importance of embracing cutting-edge modalities in the quest for comfort and mobility.

Chiropractic adjunctive therapies illuminate a multifaceted approach to osteoarthritis management, enshrining an array of modalities in their armamentarium. Ultrasound, a sonic therapeutic marvel, resonates with the capacity to massage soft tissues and joints, reducing swelling and engendering relief. Electro

therapy, heralding the administration of painless electric pulses, finds favor in its ability to invigorate nerves and muscles. Low-level laser therapy, a gentle emissary of non-heat-producing light, permeates deep into tissues, potentially allaying inflammation.

Infrared saunas, a beacon of warmth, harness controlled doses of infrared heat to foster pain relief and augment circulation. Heat and cold treatments further beckon as valuable tools in the arsenal, offering respite from the pernicious muscle spasms that can mar an individual’s quality of life.

Physical therapy, endorsed by the CDC, emerges as a formidable ally in the battle against osteoarthritis. Its arsenal encompasses muscle-strengthening exercises, integral in ameliorating the condition. Dr. Altman underscores the tailored nature of physical therapy, contending that it should reflect a gentler approach distinct from the rigors of other physical rehabilitation domains. The accessibility of in-home physical therapy for those grappling with mobility limitations further enhances its appeal, underscoring the invaluable role of skilled therapists in enhancing the lives of osteoarthritis patients.

Assistive devices, ranging from shoe inserts to canes, splints, and braces, unveil a world of possibilities for osteoarthritis sufferers. These devices bear the transformative potential to redistribute weight, alleviating the burden on beleaguered joints and hips. For individuals contending with angular deformities, unloading braces represent a lifeline, capable of restoring normal weight distribution, diminishing pain, and halting the progression of arthritis. The nuanced landscape of shoe wedges warrants consideration, particularly for those grappling with significant leg length discrepancies.

Empowerment through information assumes a pivotal role in the osteoarthritis journey. Dr. Altman underscores the transformative power of knowledge, urging individuals to embark on a journey of self-discovery. Understanding the intricacies of osteoarthritis, its limitations, and the nuances of diagnosis can empower individuals to make informed decisions. A rheumatologist’s expertise proves invaluable, demystifying the labyrinthine world of arthritis and charting a personalized course of action.

In the world of osteoarthritis management, Anne Harding’s illuminating insights converge with medical expertise, painting a vivid tapestry of hope and resilience. As the shadows of osteoarthritis loom large, her work serves as a guiding beacon, illuminating the path to relief and a brighter tomorrow. In the cacophony of unproven “cures,” her measured voice cuts through, championing evidence-based remedies that resonate with the wisdom of science and the promise of a pain-free future.