HOSA to host blood drive at Fraser High School

Fraser High School Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) and the American Red Cross will be teaming up to host a blood drive Oct. 27.

Fraser HOSA runs multiple blood drives throughout the year to give students and community members the chance to save lives by donating blood.

HOSA is a global student-led organization recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Department of Health and Human Services and several federal and state agencies, according to its website. Its mission is to empower HOSA-Future Health Professionals to become leaders in the global health community, through education, collaboration, and experience. The organization actively promotes career opportunities in the health industry and works to enhance the delivery of quality health care to all people.

Fraser’s HOSA chapter provides a great example of the work being done through a variety of community service activities held throughout the year. On top of blood drives Fraser HOSA gathers Fraser High School HOSA members to do a rake and run, blankets of love, personal hygiene drives, and other impactful community service activities.

Students age 16 and older will be allowed to register for the blood drive.

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