What You Need to Know About the CBC Test Price?

Have you ever found yourself at a doctor’s office with a prescription for a complete blood count test? You might wonder about the test procedure, cost, and preparation.

A complete blood count is a simple test that checks the overall health of your blood. This CBC test helps your healthcare provider diagnose blood conditions, diseases, infections, and disorders. This blog will help you understand why the test is done, what parameters will be checked, the CBC test price, and how soon you can get your report back.

What is a Complete Blood Count Test?

A CBC test is done to assess the levels of cells present in your blood. These include:

  • White blood cells: These cells protect the body against infection. There are five main types of white blood cells — basophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophils, and eosinophils. A blood test helpsmeasureg the levels of these cells.

  • Red blood cells: These cells carry oxygen from the lungs to the entire body. A blood test measures the level of red blood cells.

  • Platelets: These cells pause bleeding by helping your blood to clot.

  • Haemoglobin: It is a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen to the rest of the body.

  • Haematocrit: It is a test that measures the amount of red blood cells in your blood.

CBC Test Price

The price of the CBC test varies between INR 200 to INR 500. The price mostly depends on the following factors:

  • Numbers of components covered: The CBC test comes in two types — basic and comprehensive. Basic CBC tests cover RBC, WBC, and platelet counts and might cost less. Comprehensive CBC tests also check haemoglobin, haematocrit, and corpuscular volume, and are price higher than basic.

  • Location of the lab: Labs in metro cities are more expensive than labs in rural cities. This factor affects the CBC test price.

  • Hospitals: CBC test prices are higher if you are getting the test done at a hospital. If the hospital is popular, the test will cost you more.

  • Home collection services: If you are unable to go to the lab, a blood sample from the comfort of your home is a convenient option. These services add to the cost of the blood test.

When is the CBC Test Required?

Abnormal blood health causes symptoms to show up. These signs can be:

  • Bruising

  • Bleeding

  • Fatigue

  • Inflammation

  • Fever

  • Nausea

Your doctor may also prescribe a CBC test to:

  • Diagnose or monitor blood disorders, conditions, and infections

  • Assess your overall health

  • Eliminate conditions, disorders, and disease

CBC Test Preparation and Procedure

In general, you do not need to prepare for this test. All you need to do is wear comfortable attire. However, asking your doctor is the right way to go about preparing for this test.

Here are the CBC blood test procedure steps:

  • A phlebotomist will visit your home to collect your blood sample.

  • They will sanitise the injection site with an antiseptic.

  • Your blood is drawn from your vein with a sterile needle.

  • The phlebotomist will then apply a band-aid to the injection site.

  • Your blood is collected in a tube, labelled, and sent to a lab for testing.

CBC Test Results

Your results are normal if they are under the normal reference levels. Here’s a normal range for your reference:

What do the Results Mean?

RBC, Haemoglobin, and Haematocrit: Lower levels may indicate that you have anaemia, which can happen due to vitamin deficiency, low iron or blood loss. High levels of RBC may mean erythrocytosis (thickening of blood). High levels of haemoglobin or haematocrit may indicate heart disease or cancer.

WBC: High WBC could mean infection or inflammation. Low WBC suggests an autoimmune disorder. This condition kills white blood cells and causes bone marrow problems and cancer. However, Medication can also lower your WBC levels.

Platelets: A low platelet count is indicative of thrombocytopenia, and a high count is indicative of thrombocytosis. Yet, both of them will need more tests to know the cause.

In conclusion, complete blood count tests are important to keep a check on your health. Any abnormality in your blood indicates a health risk. It is also vital to consult a doctor after a CBC test. Your test results will help your healthcare providers detect conditions early and treat you promptly. The CBC test price varies from city to city. Metro cities and popular labs or hospitals may have higher costs. If you’re unsure where to get the test done, you can always ask your doctor to suggest reliable and affordable labs.

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