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C-shift Capt. Javier Melendez, Operations/Training Capt. William Miles, board President Bill Gleeson, EMS Director David Adams, EMT Michael Peña, and Paramedic Zachary Huchin of Wilson County Emergency Services District No. 4 celebrate the receipt Oct. 11 of a unit of whole blood that now is in service for patients in western Wilson County. COURTESY/Send photos to [email protected] for possible publication.
FLORESVILLE – Thanks to the South Texas Regional Advisory Council and the South Texas Blood & Tissue Center, Wilson County Emergency Services District 4 (ESD 4) has a unit of whole blood in service.
According to EMS Director David Adams, the addition of whole blood for District No. 4 — which provides ambulance services to Floresville, Poth, and communities in western Wilson County — means there are two such units in the county. ESD 3, which serves eastern Wilson County, including Stockdale, La Vernia, Kicaster, and Sutherland Springs, also has whole blood. In addition to being on hand for when the need arises in Wilson County, Adams said the blood could be used when providing mutual aid in surrounding counties.
The whole blood can be used for patients regardless of their blood type.
“It would be given to any patient who needs it,” Adams said.
Prior to ESD 4 getting the whole blood, its emergency medical technicians had to depend on help from ESD 3, AirLife, and others. Having a supply of blood on hand will ensure that patients losing large amounts of blood in motor vehicle crashes, postpartum events, gastrointestinal bleeds, and other emergencies get help more quickly.
“It will reduce the time of arrival of the blood,” Adams said.