Ask a Pharmacist: High Blood Pressure

CNY Central will ask a pharmacist questions viewers have related to health medications and drugs to provide the tools to stay safe and stay healthy.

This week we asked a Kinney Drugs pharmacist about high blood pressure. Why is it a big deal and how to know if you have it?

The Kinney Drugs pharmacist says it is a very common medical condition.

“We use two numbers to measure that blood pressure so that first number in your blood pressure is the pressure in your arteries in the heart beat and that second number is the pressure in your arteries when your heart rests. So, normal blood pressure is considered 120/80. Anything higher, up to 139/89 there is risk of developing high blood pressure and blood pressure of 140/90 is considered high blood pressure.”

The pharmacist continues to say high blood pressure increases your risk for heart attack, heart disease and stroke.

“It’s actually called the silent killer because it often has no major warning signs or symptoms. So measuring it is the only way to know for sure.”

If you need help checking your blood pressure, most Kinney drugs pharmacies can help. You can also get a home blood pressure monitor or you can get your blood pressure checked by your provider as well.

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