Editorial: Blood shortage in Alabama

We have an urgent need across Alabama that can help 1 in 7 people’s lives.An estimated 1.4 million Alabamians could help, but only about 39,000 actually do.According to the Red Cross, Alabama and the country are in a severe blood shortage. Blood products needed at hospitals are outpacing the number of blood donors and have been since August.On average, about 37% of the adult population is eligible to donate blood but only 10% actually do. That leaves millions of people able to save a life if they so choose.Donors of all types are needed, but if you are type O, your blood donation is universal and can help many at once.Alabama needs 350 blood donations daily to meet the demand but is currently seeing less than 300 donations per day.Now is the time to help. Click here and set an appointment to donate.Saving a life should be incentive enough, but if you donate in the next three weeks, you could be entered into a drawing for a $5,000 gift card. Many of us can help give the gift of life, please donate blood.

We have an urgent need across Alabama that can help 1 in 7 people’s lives.

An estimated 1.4 million Alabamians could help, but only about 39,000 actually do.


According to the Red Cross, Alabama and the country are in a severe blood shortage. Blood products needed at hospitals are outpacing the number of blood donors and have been since August.

On average, about 37% of the adult population is eligible to donate blood but only 10% actually do. That leaves millions of people able to save a life if they so choose.

Donors of all types are needed, but if you are type O, your blood donation is universal and can help many at once.

Alabama needs 350 blood donations daily to meet the demand but is currently seeing less than 300 donations per day.

Now is the time to help. Click here and set an appointment to donate.

Saving a life should be incentive enough, but if you donate in the next three weeks, you could be entered into a drawing for a $5,000 gift card. Many of us can help give the gift of life, please donate blood.

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