Thousands more donations needed to replenish Red Cross blood supply

Thousands of blood donors across the country have rolled up a sleeve to help rebuild the American Red Cross blood and platelet supply since the agency announced a national blood and platelet shortage about a month ago. But the need is still great, according to a news release from the Red Cross.

The Red Cross is working around the clock to ensure patients have access to lifesaving transfusions and must collect 10,000 additional blood and platelet donations, above expectations, each week to sufficiently meet hospital needs. Donors of all blood types are urged to book a time to give now, especially those with type O blood or those giving platelets.

To encourage more blood and platelet donations, the Red Cross is offering new incentives to donors over the next month, including a $10 gift card by email to a restaurant merchant of their choice for all who give between Oct. 21 and Nov. 9. Additionally, donors during that period will also be automatically entered to win a $5,000 gift card.

To make an appointment, use the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visit or call 1-800-733-2767.

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