Essential Safety Tips for Driving Around Delivery Trucks

If you’ve ever shared the road with a delivery truck, you’ve likely experienced the unease of navigating around these formidable vehicles. Delivery trucks are a common sight, carrying heavy cargo across long distances. They pose unique challenges due to their size, especially in traffic or challenging terrains. However, rest assured, there are essential safety guidelines every driver should be familiar with to ensure a secure journey when encountering these substantial trucks. Whether you’re trailing one during your daily commute or passing by one while running errands, it’s crucial to remain vigilant and consider the critical steps we outline here for safe coexistence on the road.

1. Seek Counsel from a Truck Accident Lawyer

No matter how confident you may feel about driving alongside delivery trucks, it’s a prudent move to consult a truck accident lawyer before embarking on your journey. For example, if you’ve recently been involved in an accident with a delivery truck, you’re likely grappling with a range of emotions and concerns. You may be contending with injuries that have left you unable to work, or you might be facing challenges in seeking compensation for the damages incurred. In either case, it’s essential to consult with a seasoned truck accident lawyer, particularly one who specializes in delivery truck accidents, such as in St. Louis. These legal experts possess in-depth knowledge of both state and federal laws, offering valuable guidance and support as you pursue recovery. Don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation; the sooner you reach out, the more effective your legal strategy is likely to be.

2. Maintain a Safe Distance from Delivery Trucks

Exercising caution when sharing the road with delivery trucks is paramount. While these vehicles are dedicated to the essential task of transporting goods and products to various destinations, they can pose a significant safety risk if you drive too closely behind them.

To safeguard your own well-being and that of your fellow road users, always maintain a safe distance when driving near delivery trucks. It’s advisable to stay at least one car length behind the truck. If you encounter curves or turns, ensure that you keep a significant gap between your vehicle and the truck. This buffer allows for more reaction time in the event of sudden stops or turns.

3. Be Mindful of the Truck’s Blind Spots

While navigating busy streets and highways, it’s essential to bear in mind that delivery trucks have sizable blind spots. These “No Zones” represent areas where truck drivers have limited visibility. Although you may be accustomed to checking your rearview and side mirrors, the same principle applies when driving around these massive vehicles.

In addition to maintaining a safe distance, be acutely aware of the truck’s blind spots, which encompass both sides of the truck and extend to the areas behind and slightly in front of it. If you find that you cannot see the truck driver in their side mirror, it’s likely that they are unable to see you as well. Consequently, exercise extra caution when driving in proximity to delivery trucks.

4. Adhere to the Truck’s Speed Limit

Operating a delivery truck is no easy feat. Truck drivers must remain perpetually aware of their surroundings and make swift decisions. When behind the wheel of a truck, they bear the responsibility not only for their safety but also for the safety of others on the road. This underscores the critical importance of adhering to the truck’s designated speed limit.

While it may seem like a minor detail, exceeding the speed limit carries significant consequences. Beyond the possibility of incurring a substantial fine, it markedly increases the risk of accidents and jeopardizes the safety of all road users. Therefore, it’s imperative to respect and follow the prescribed speed limits.

5. Signal Before Changing Lanes

Much like all other drivers on the road, operators of delivery trucks are obliged to signal their intentions when changing lanes. This serves as a crucial communication tool to alert nearby vehicles to their movements. Thus, it is imperative that you always check the truck’s signals before attempting to change lanes yourself. This practice ensures safety and minimizes the potential for confusion or miscommunication between both drivers. Of course, the same principle applies when you need to reduce your speed in front of a truck or position yourself beside it.

6. Be Vigilant Towards Pedestrians, Cyclists, and Other Vehicles

Truck drivers bear a profound responsibility for the safety of all individuals in their vicinity. To foster an environment of safety for everyone, it is crucial to remain vigilant when driving near delivery trucks. Keep an eye out for pedestrians and cyclists who may be crossing the street as you approach a delivery truck. Additionally, take the initiative to ensure that other drivers on the road are cognizant of the truck’s presence. A timely tap of your horn or a flash of your headlights, if necessary, can help reinforce awareness and contribute to accident prevention.

Navigating the road alongside delivery trucks can indeed present a challenge, but with the right knowledge and precautions, it’s a task that can be managed safely and confidently. Remember, maintaining a safe distance, being aware of the truck’s blind spots, adhering to speed limits, signaling before changing lanes, and demonstrating consideration for fellow road users are all keys to ensuring a secure journey when delivery trucks are in the vicinity.

In the unfortunate event that accidents occur, consulting a specialized truck accident lawyer can provide valuable guidance and support. Ultimately, road safety is a collective responsibility. By heeding these essential tips, we can contribute to a safer driving environment for all.


Safety is paramount when sharing the road with delivery trucks. Being proactive in following these essential safety guidelines is not only a personal responsibility but also a collective effort to ensure the well-being of all road users. By embracing these principles, we pave the way for safer and more harmonious travels.