Why Dietitians Are Concerned About the Popularity of Mukbang Videos

Mukbang videos, a trend that originated in South Korea but has since gained global popularity, have taken over social media platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram. These videos feature content creators, often women, consuming astonishingly large quantities of food in a single sitting, all while an audience watches in awe. The term “mukbang” is a portmanteau of the Korean words for “eating” and “broadcast,” and it accurately describes the essence of these videos.

While mukbang videos may be entertaining to many, health experts and eating disorder specialists raise concerns about their potential negative impact on viewers, particularly those with eating disorders or a complicated relationship with food. There are several aspects of mukbang content that warrant attention and scrutiny.

The Origin and Global Spread of Mukbang

The mukbang phenomenon traces its roots to South Korea, where it emerged in the early 2010s. Its origins are somewhat obscure, but it is believed to have developed as a deviation from traditional communal eating practices in Southeast Asia. Over the years, this trend has transcended geographical boundaries, attracting content creators from diverse food cultures worldwide, including Germany, Brazil, and the American South.

Mukbang videos encompass a wide range of culinary themes, from sushi extravaganzas to massive servings of fast food. Some streamers take it a step further by incorporating unconventional cooking techniques, such as using crushed Hot Cheetos as batter or wielding blowtorches to melt cheese. Some even incorporate ASMR elements to heighten sensory experiences. Regardless of the theme, one constant remains: the consumption of excessive amounts of typically high-fat, high-sugar, or heavily processed foods.

The Link Between Mukbang and Eating Disorders

Registered dietitians and eating disorder specialists have voiced concerns about the potential harm mukbang videos can inflict on individuals, particularly those with eating disorders. These videos often depict binge-like eating behaviors and normalize the consumption of unrealistically large quantities of food.

Shelby Becker, a registered dietitian specializing in eating disorders, warns that the normalization of these behaviors can impact individuals with eating disorders or disordered eating, leading them to perceive such behavior as acceptable. Furthermore, when mukbang hosts have “desirable” body types, it can exacerbate feelings of confusion and shame among those who have gained weight due to binge eating.

Moreover, mukbang videos rarely depict the unpleasant consequences of overeating, such as upset stomach, nausea, and emotional eating. They tend to romanticize overconsumption without addressing the potential physical and emotional repercussions, misleading viewers about the realities of indulging in such excessive quantities of food.

Conversely, mukbang content could negatively affect individuals on the opposite end of the eating disorder spectrum—those who under-consume, as seen in cases of anorexia nervosa. For some, watching mukbang videos serves as a way to simulate the experience of eating without actually consuming food, potentially perpetuating harmful behavior patterns.

The Impact on Individuals Without Eating Disorders

Even for individuals who do not have a diagnosed eating disorder, habitual consumption of mukbang videos can have unintended consequences. These videos may encourage viewers to disconnect from their own hunger and fullness cues, making it challenging to recognize healthy portion sizes or distinguish between normal eating and binge eating episodes.

Caroline Thomason, another registered dietitian, points out that many viewers may not realize that binge eating is an eating disorder, and the behaviors showcased in mukbang videos closely resemble this disorder. Thus, individuals who frequently watch mukbang videos may unknowingly develop patterns of overconsumption.

Additionally, the sheer quantity of food depicted in mukbang videos suggests that most hosts are likely spitting out food between takes. This unacknowledged practice not only misrepresents the actual amount of food consumed but also qualifies as disordered behavior and a form of restriction.

Is There Any Benefit to Mukbang?

While mukbang has garnered its share of criticism, it’s essential to acknowledge that there hasn’t been extensive research into its long-term impact on our relationship with food. A 2020 study published in Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry attempted to gauge viewer sentiments by analyzing comments on mukbang videos and Reddit discussions. The study found that while mukbang often correlated with disordered eating habits, some viewers found it helpful in curbing binge eating or reducing feelings of loneliness.

However, it is crucial to note that watching mukbang videos is not a recommended coping strategy for individuals dealing with disordered eating or loneliness. Deeper and more sustainable changes are necessary to address these issues effectively. Working with qualified professionals such as dietitians and therapists, along with creating a supportive real-life network, remains the proven path to recovery from eating disorders.

Moreover, the impact of mukbang videos extends beyond individual viewers and can influence societal attitudes towards food. The glorification of overeating and indulgence in these videos can contribute to a culture that values quantity over quality when it comes to food consumption. This can lead to issues such as food wastage, obesity, and a disconnect from the nutritional value of food.

Furthermore, the financial incentives for mukbang creators can be problematic. Many mukbang YouTubers and streamers rely on viewer donations and sponsorships from food companies. This can create a conflict of interest, as creators may be tempted to prioritize the consumption of unhealthy or excessive amounts of food in order to please their sponsors or maximize their income. This not only perpetuates unhealthy eating habits but also compromises the authenticity of the content.

In light of these concerns, it is crucial for both content creators and platforms that host mukbang videos to take responsibility for the potential harm they can cause. Implementing content guidelines that discourage excessive eating and promote mindful consumption could help mitigate some of the negative effects associated with mukbang content.

In conclusion, while mukbang videos may continue to thrive as a form of online entertainment, it is essential for viewers, creators, and platforms to consider the broader implications of their content on individuals and society. Balancing entertainment with responsible consumption should be a shared goal to ensure the well-being of all involved.