I Was Diagnosed With Multiple Sclerosis (MS) at 31

The first symptom occurred 10 years before diagnosis.

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic and often unpredictable neurological disorder that affects millions of individuals around the world. In 2020 alone, over 2.8 million people were diagnosed with this condition, according to data from the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Among these individuals is Amy Rowell, who received her MS diagnosis in her early 30s. While the official diagnosis came later in life, Amy’s journey with MS began with subtle symptoms that first emerged during her college years, underscoring the importance of recognizing and addressing early signs of the disease. Amy’s story is a testament to resilience, adaptability, and the determination to live life on her terms, despite the challenges posed by MS.

Early Signs and Uncovering the Mystery

Amy’s journey with multiple sclerosis traces back to her college days when she encountered her first symptom, though she didn’t fully understand its significance at the time. Working at an animal shelter, she faced an unusual challenge: the inability to lift an 8-pound cat. Her arm seemed unresponsive, as if it couldn’t carry out the movements her brain instructed. Amy attributed this peculiar incident to a pinched nerve, dismissing it as a minor issue common in youth. As a young adult, she believed these symptoms would eventually dissipate or improve over time.

In retrospect, she acknowledges that this was the initial whisper of MS, but like many young individuals facing puzzling health symptoms, she found ways to rationalize them and make excuses. Bladder issues, arm weakness, and occasional leg pain were all treated as isolated inconveniences rather than connected dots pointing to a larger health concern. In her early 20s, the thought of something as serious as multiple sclerosis never crossed her mind.

The turning point in Amy’s journey came in early 2007 when she experienced a set of symptoms that were distinctly different from her prior encounters. She began feeling hazy and clouded, and her movements became subtly askew. It was as though her body was sending her mysterious signals. With her husband away at the time, she reached out to her mother for guidance. Amy’s mother advised her to rest and promised to be there if her condition didn’t improve. However, that night, during dinner, Amy’s fork missed its intended target, and the following morning, her toothbrush slipped from her grasp. These unexplained incidents marked a critical moment that led Amy to seek medical attention.

Realizing the gravity of her symptoms, Amy promptly scheduled an appointment with her primary care provider. Following a thorough evaluation, she was referred to a neurologist who ordered an MRI scan, revealing two suspicious lesions in her brain. Given her young age and the complexity of her case, Amy was subsequently referred to a specialist, leading to an official diagnosis of multiple sclerosis within six months.

Navigating Life with Multiple Sclerosis

Receiving a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis is an overwhelming experience for anyone. Amy faced the daunting reality that this condition would be a lifelong companion, one that typically progresses over time. She admits that no words can truly capture the emotions that surged through her at that moment. Nevertheless, Amy’s inherent qualities as a problem solver and a determined individual came to the forefront.

Upon learning about her diagnosis, Amy embarked on a journey of research and self-discovery. Her instinct was to immerse herself in support groups, seminars, and workshops focused on living with MS. Yet, one early seminar left her emotionally unprepared. Rain was pouring outside as her husband dropped her off at the venue, but by the time he returned from parking the car, Amy had already decided to leave. The sight of fellow participants using mobility aids like canes, walkers, and wheelchairs made her confront a reality she wasn’t yet ready to accept – the possibility of needing such assistance in the future.

While facing the physical and emotional challenges that MS presented, Amy made a conscious decision not to let the condition define her or dictate the course of her life. Instead, she chose to manage it proactively, adapting her lifestyle to accommodate her specific needs and limitations. One significant aspect of her condition was heightened sensitivity to temperature changes, particularly heat, which could induce fatigue and a feeling of bodily weakness. Summers, in particular, posed a challenge, given the high temperatures. Simple activities like taking a long shower or consuming hot beverages could trigger her symptoms. Amy tackled this issue by carrying ice packs that provided immediate relief when needed. She also invested in a cooling vest that could be recharged, ensuring she had a way to cool down and manage temperature-related discomfort.

Amy’s dedication to her work further underscores her resilience. At the time of her diagnosis, she held the position of executive director at the Milwaukee Animal Rescue Center. Despite early suggestions from healthcare providers to reduce her workload, Amy was determined to continue making a difference in the lives of animals and those who depended on her. She understood that her role was not just a job but a calling. The animals under her care didn’t differentiate between good days and bad days, and she was committed to fulfilling her responsibilities, even when she didn’t feel her best.

One remarkable aspect of Amy’s journey has been the unwavering support she received from her community. She was surrounded by a network of family, friends, and volunteers who understood the challenges she faced and were willing to lend a helping hand without expecting anything in return. This support system became invaluable as she navigated the unpredictable nature of MS. From her sisters and mother, who lived nearby, to her circle of friends, Amy quickly learned who she could rely on when she needed assistance.

As with any chronic condition, living with MS presented its fair share of unexpected moments. Amy recalls an incident at a restaurant where she accidentally knocked over a glass, a consequence of the occasional motor coordination challenges that MS can bring. Rather than feeling embarrassed or self-conscious, she and her friend shared a laugh, embracing the lightheartedness of the situation.

Amy Rowell’s journey with multiple sclerosis is a testament to her resilience and determination to live life to the fullest, regardless of the challenges she faces. Her story serves as an inspiration to others living with chronic conditions, highlighting the importance of early recognition of symptoms, proactive self-care, and the enduring strength that comes from the support of a loving community. Amy’s journey is a reminder that life, even with MS, can be filled with moments of joy, laughter, and fulfillment, as long as one chooses to navigate it with determination and positivity.