Jon Karl Grills Tim Scott for Saying Biden Has ‘Blood On His Hands’ After Terrorist Attack: ‘The Blood is On the Hands of Hamas!’

ABC News’ Jon Karl grilled Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) for saying President Joe Biden has “blood on his hands” following Hamas’ attack on Israel.

Days after Hamas’ deadly first strike against Israel, Scott accused Biden of having “blood on his hands” because of his administration’s policy “weakness.” The Republican presidential candidate also claimed Biden was “complicit with the attacks” because the administration’s recently unfroze $6 billion in Iranian funds in order to secure the freedom of wrongfully detained American citizens.

On Sunday, Karl noted this escalating rhetoric from Scott as he asked him “Do you regret saying that? Saying that the President of the United States has blood on his hands?”

Scott defended his comments by claiming “the weakness of Joe Biden attracts conflict around this world.” This led to Karl and Scott talking over each other as the former asserted that Hamas, not Biden, is responsible for the current bloodshed in Israel.

“With all due respect, the blood is on the hands of Hamas!” Karl said. “To say that Joe Biden is ‘complicit’ in the greatest, deadliest attack on the Jewish people since the Holocaust, I mean, that’s beyond the pale, isn’t it?”

Scott argued that Biden displayed weakness and allowed for greater potential conflict by allowing Iran access to their frozen assets in order to free hostages.

“I’m saying with great clarity that weakness from the American president, plus the negotiations, leading to terrorist attacks by negotiating with the number one state sponsor of terrorism in the world — yes, it creates complicity,” Scott said.

“I think we can agree that the blood is on the hands of Hamas.” Karl again argued. “That’s who is to blame.”

This led to Scott admitting, “no doubt the person who pulls the trigger is primarily responsible, but that does not release the President of our country as being complicit and responsible in what we’re seeing unfold in part.”

The $6 billion release has been an intense source of debate because of Iran’s financial support for Hamas, and the fungibility of Iran’s monetary resources even though the fund was conditioned for humanitarian uses through a Qatar proxy. As war broke out between Israel and Hamas, the U.S. has taken steps to once again block Iran’s access to the fund.

Watch above via ABC.

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