From beer to blood: Argument over who spilled the beverage ends in hatchet to the forehead

A man hit another in the head with a hatchet when they were arguing over who spilled a beer. One ended up bleeding from his eye and around his mouth. The other is being held without bond.

On Monday, deputies with the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office in Florida found the bleeding victim and said he told them he was visiting an acquaintance —Danny Tharp — in Tharp’s nearby tent.

Authorities said, during the visit, “Tharp accused the victim of spilling a beer. There seemed to be a disagreement over who actually spilled the beer. Nonetheless, Tharp blamed the victim and proceeded to grab a silver hatchet with a blue handle.

Armed with this weapon, Tharp began swinging wildly towards the victim, striking him several times. As you can imagine, the act was imminently dangerous and demonstrated a depraved mind with no regard for human life. It was a bad deal!”

The victim was able to get out and get help.

He also gave deputies a description of Tharp, who they later found and arrested.

They also report finding the silver hatchet with a blue grip near the scene as evidence, plus blood inside and outside the tent-turned-crime scene.

Tharp, 56, was charged with attempted homicide and was denied bond.

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