Side Effects of Ovulation

From skin changes to how you dress, ovulation may affect you in some surprising ways.

Each month, for approximately 24 hours, the enigmatic process of ovulation unfolds within the intricate tapestry of a woman’s reproductive cycle. During this fleeting interval, an egg is released from an ovary, embarking on a journey through the fallopian tubes, where it awaits the possibility of fertilization by sperm. Simultaneously, a symphony of hormonal fluctuations and shifts in brain chemistry commences.

These profound changes are believed to heighten the chances of conception, and recent research has illuminated the multifaceted impact of ovulation on the human body and psyche. Dr. Carol Gnatuk, MD, an esteemed assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, asserts that hormones wield influence not solely over reproductive organs but also ripple through various facets of our existence. Consequently, our cognition, behavior, and even our physical appearance may be subject to transformation during the ovulatory phase of our menstrual cycle.

Let us embark on an intriguing exploration of the intriguing, and sometimes mysterious, alterations that one may experience during the most fertile window of their monthly cycle.

A Rosy Complexion: The Flushed Face Phenomenon

Intriguingly, a study published in PLoS One in 2015 unearthed a subtle yet intriguing phenomenon: the human face may exhibit a slightly heightened flush in the days preceding and during ovulation. Dr. Gnatuk explains that this phenomenon is attributed to the far-reaching influence of hormones, which orchestrate changes in blood flow throughout the body. Elevated estrogen levels during ovulation can lead to the dilation of blood vessels, particularly those proximate to the skin. Consequently, this may contribute to a radiant complexion—a glow that is more discernible through sensitive cameras rather than the naked eye.

The inquiry into whether this increased flush of the face is perceptible to others, and if it elicits arousal, remains an open question. Studies delving into whether a person’s face becomes more attractive around ovulation have yielded mixed results. For instance, research published in the journal Hormones and Behavior in 2019 suggested that males may find female faces more appealing both during ovulation and for approximately 14 days following it, implying that attractiveness is not confined solely to the ovulatory phase.

Intriguingly, a study in Nature Scientific Reports in 2021 alluded to a correlation between attractiveness and ovulation, albeit with limited and relatively weak evidence. Conversely, research featured in Hormones and Behavior in 2022, which reviewed 25,000 diary entries from 384 couples, suggested that participants did not perceive any changes in their partner’s attractiveness correlated to ovulation. The question of whether a flushed face during ovulation carries a perceptible allure thus continues to intrigue researchers.

The Libido Surge: Heightened Desire

It is no surprise that, from an evolutionary standpoint, the human libido surges when fertility reaches its zenith. However, this heightened desire during ovulation may not be limited to conscious contemplation of sexual activities; it may manifest in more subtle ways.

Studies have delved into whether ovulating individuals gravitate towards specific colors that are considered seductive, such as pink or red. A 2013 study published in Psychological Science purported that individuals were more likely to don these provocative hues during ovulation. Curiously, a 2020 study featured in the British Journal of Social Psychology contradicted this notion, indicating that participants did not exhibit a higher inclination to wear pink or red during ovulation. Nevertheless, the notion that these colors inherently possess an alluring quality persisted.

Research has also probed the realm of dreams, revealing intriguing findings. A 2019 study published in Medical Sciences suggested a correlation between ovulation and “pleasant” dreams (although not specifically “erotic” ones) in participants. Furthermore, a study in Psychoneuroendocrinology in 2018 unveiled that participants exhibited heightened arousal when exposed to erotic words during their menstrual cycle, with ovulation marking the zenith of this effect.

Dr. Gnatuk elaborates on the role of hormones in libido, emphasizing that while hormones play a pivotal role, they do not singularly dictate sexual desire. Estrogen and testosterone, both of which surge during ovulation, can heighten a woman’s desire, she explains. Nevertheless, libido remains a complex interplay of numerous factors beyond hormonal fluctuations.

The Allure of Masculinity: Attraction Dynamics

During ovulation, one may experience fluctuations in the types of individuals who pique their interest. Research has unearthed intriguing insights into attraction dynamics during this fertile phase.

A study published in Psychoneuroendocrinology in 2017 suggested that females are more inclined to be drawn to “masculine-faced” males immediately before ovulation compared to earlier stages of their menstrual cycle. Another study from the same journal in 2018 indicated that while there was no discernible connection between attraction to the opposite sex and ovulation per se, a correlation did emerge between rising estrogen levels in females and a heightened attraction to more masculine facial features, including facial stubble. The National Library of Medicine notes that estrogen levels surge twice during the menstrual cycle, with one peak occurring leading up to ovulation.

Moreover, ovulation may influence preferences related to certain physical attributes. Research featured in the journal Psychological Science in 2014 posited that during the reproductive phase, individuals may exhibit a proclivity towards potential mates with “genetic-fitness markers.” The study suggests that, during this period, people tend to favor individuals displaying physical qualities that are perceived as indicative of good health and the potential to pass on robust genetic traits to offspring. This preference may, in part, be driven by the elevated testosterone levels characteristic of ovulation, underscoring the biological imperative to select genetically robust partners.

Sharper Senses: Heightened Olfactory Perception

Ovulation’s influence extends beyond visual cues; it also appears to sharpen one’s sense of smell. A small-scale study in Hormones and Behavior in 2013 suggested that individuals in the throes of ovulation may possess a heightened ability to detect musky odors and pheromones compared to those taking oral contraceptives, which inhibit ovulation.

Subsequent research in 2021, published in the journal Nutrients, broadened this perspective, proposing that olfactory perception, in general, may be amplified during ovulation. However, it is worth noting that the intensity of this phenomenon may fluctuate from one menstrual cycle to another, with some cycles peaking at ovulation while others exhibit a gradual ascent in olfactory sensitivity leading up to menstruation.

A Fountain of Creativity: The Ovulatory Surge

Have you ever noticed that your creative faculties appear to flourish during specific phases of your menstrual cycle? Intriguingly, there is compelling evidence to suggest that ovulation may coincide with heightened creative abilities.

A study published in the journal Environmental Research and Public Health in 2021 indicated that during ovulation, participants exhibited increased creative originality and greater creative flexibility, characterized by the generation of a wider array of ideas and enhanced capacity to perceive varying perspectives.

In Conclusion

The menstrual cycle, governed by its intricate hormonal fluctuations, exerts a more profound influence on individuals than conventionally acknowledged. Beyond the realm of premenstrual syndrome and hormonal surges, the ovulatory phase emerges as a remarkable period of transformation. It is a phase marked by subtle yet intriguing shifts in appearance, desire, preference, sensory perception, and creative prowess.

Now that you have been introduced to the myriad ways in which ovulation may affect you, consider the potential benefits of harnessing this heightened state of being. By recognizing and embracing the unique characteristics of this fertile period, you may unlock hidden potential and use it to your advantage in various aspects of your life.