Pregnancy, Heartburn, and the Hairy Baby

Erica Kain explores the link between her heartburn and her children’s hair.

During the second trimester of my pregnancy, I found myself grappling with an uncomfortable and relentless companion – heartburn. Unlike my previous pregnancies, this bout of heartburn felt different, and I soon learned that it might signify more than just the discomfort of a burning esophagus. It could potentially be a sign that my developing fetus was sprouting a head full of hair.

This intriguing connection between heartburn and a baby’s hair growth was brought to my attention through a study conducted at Johns Hopkins University, published in a 2006 issue of Birth. This study explored the possibility of a correlation between the severity of a pregnant woman’s heartburn and the amount of hair her baby would possess at birth. The researchers hypothesized that the same hormonal changes responsible for heartburn symptoms might also play a role in influencing fetal hair growth. However, it’s important to note that research on this specific topic remains limited, and the exact mechanisms behind the heartburn-hair relationship are not fully understood.

Nevertheless, based on my own personal experiences and observations within my family, I’m inclined to believe that there is some truth to this theory.

During my first pregnancy, I occasionally experienced mild waves of heartburn. It was a peculiar sensation, almost cooling, as it rose through my esophagus. Though uncomfortable at times, it was manageable, and I didn’t require any medication or dietary adjustments. To my surprise, my first daughter was born with just a hint of dark brown hair, which later transformed into beautiful blonde curls within a few months.

However, my second pregnancy was a different story altogether. I was plagued by severe heartburn, which seemed to be triggered by almost everything I consumed. Even a simple glass of water could send my esophagus into a fiery frenzy. My cravings for spicy and sugary foods, such as Indian, Ethiopian, and steak, left me miserable due to the excruciating heartburn that inevitably followed. Large meals, in particular, became a painful ordeal.

As I sat there, burping and writhing in discomfort, well-meaning friends and family members assured me that my unborn daughter was bound to have a luxurious mane of hair. Little did I know that the link between heartburn and hair was not a novel idea but rather an age-old wives’ tale, a belief that long predated the Johns Hopkins research.

The first confirmation of this folklore’s accuracy came from my OB-GYN during a cervical check on the day my labor commenced. Instead of announcing my dilation progress, he exclaimed, “Whoa! This kid has a lot of hair!” Her hair was so long that he could feel it pushing against my cervix. When she finally made her entrance into the world a few hours later, there was a chorus of admiration over her remarkably thick hair. I couldn’t help but say, “I told you so!” to my healthcare team.

Shortly after bringing her home, we had to trim her hair to prevent it from obscuring her vision and irritating the back of her neck. While she nursed, I relished the unexpected pleasure of running my fingers through my newborn’s soft, dense black hair. It was a delightful payoff for enduring months of digestive discomfort.

As it turns out, my experience was not unique. Frances Largeman-Roth, the former senior food and nutrition editor of Health magazine, shared her heartburn ordeal during her ninth month of pregnancy. In her enlightening food diary, she mentioned “lots of Tums” as her go-to remedy for heartburn.

It’s evident that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution to pregnancy-related heartburn. What works wonders for one expectant parent may spell disaster for another. Even seemingly innocent activities like bending down or picking up items around the house can exacerbate heartburn symptoms. As a mother of young children, my daily life is a series of forward bends, so I had no choice but to endure the discomfort for the time being.

To alleviate the severe heartburn I experienced, my doctor recommended over-the-counter Pepcid AC, a remedy I hoped would provide some much-needed relief. However, in the interim period while I awaited the potential benefits of this medication, I found myself embarking on a shopping spree, carefully selecting an array of hair accessories to manage the increasingly lush locks that my newborn was rumored to possess.

As I roamed the aisles of the store, I couldn’t help but marvel at the myriad of hairpins, headbands, and tiny hairbrushes on display. Each item seemed to beckon me, promising to help me tame what I imagined would be an unruly mane of baby hair. From delicate bows to miniature scrunchies, my shopping cart was soon filled with an assortment of tools I hoped would come to my rescue when the time came.

The anticipation of my baby’s arrival was heightened not only by the prospect of heartburn relief but also by the excitement of styling and caring for their potentially abundant locks. It was a unique blend of maternal preparation and curiosity, all inspired by the age-old belief that heartburn and hair growth were intertwined. Regardless of the outcome, the journey toward welcoming my newborn was becoming a tapestry woven with unexpected adventures, both comforting and captivating.

In conclusion, the connection between heartburn during pregnancy and a baby’s hair growth remains a fascinating and somewhat enigmatic phenomenon that has captured the curiosity of many. While scientific research in this area is still limited, countless anecdotal accounts, including my own personal experience, seem to suggest that there may be some validity to the age-old adage that associates heartburn with a baby destined to have a luxuriant head of hair. Whether this association is merely a quirky coincidence or a genuine link yet to be fully understood, the experience of heartburn during pregnancy serves as a poignant reminder of the unique and unpredictable journey that accompanies the creation of new life.

Each expectant parent’s story is a singular narrative, marked by its distinct twists and turns. While heartburn may bring moments of discomfort during this transformative period, the joy and wonder of welcoming a new baby into the world, whether adorned with a crown of hair or not, are unparalleled and immensely rewarding experiences that surpass any temporary discomfort. In the end, it is the love, anticipation, and sheer miracle of birth that stand as the most enduring and cherished aspects of this incredible journey.