The Blood Pressure Solution Reviews – Hidden Dangers or Natural Solution That Works?

According to a report from the American Heart Foundation, over 122 million Americans have blood pressure problems. As a result, they end up in the doctor’s office, where their physician prescribes their medications to help them manage their condition.

Unfortunately, these drug therapies are more harmful than they are helpful. The list of side effects for these drugs is extensive, and they can create massive health complications. The Blood Pressure Solution offers you a natural way to improve your blood pressure levels without resorting to medications.

Don’t Use Drugs to Improve Your Blood Pressure

Doctors prescribe four types of drugs to help you manage your blood pressure problems. If you’re using any of the following medications, you must reconsider your treatment strategy and look at the Blood Pressure Solution instead.


Also known by the brand names Zestril and Prinivil. Over the last decade, this medication resulted in over 406,000 complaints by consumers to the FDA regarding the side effects experienced when using the drug.

Lisinopril acts as an “ACE inhibitor,” blocking the production of the enzyme which constricts blood vessels. The issue with this medication is that by interrupting biological processes in the body, you create other health complications affecting your physiology.

If your dose of Lisinopril is too high, it can result in problems like the rapid decline in blood pressure that causes you to faint when getting to your feet from a seated position. The byproduct “kinins” created by Lisinopril is hard for the body to clear, resulting in its accumulation in tissues and the blood, where they settle in the lungs.

This effect causes coughing symptoms in the patient, and they aggressively hack up these particles, causing throat problems and even cracked ribs from coughing so hard.

Metoprolol Succinate

Also sold under the brand name “Toprol XL” and other generic brands, Toprol XL is a “beta blocker,” which is a class of blood pressure medications inhibiting the production of cortisol and adrenaline, which is responsible for initiating the “fight-or-flight” response.

When people play around with adrenaline inhibition, they often feel fatigued during the day and have “brain fog,” affecting their concentration, focus, and problem-solving capability. You’ll end up feeling like a zombie all day, and that’s no way to live your life.

Say Goodbye to High BP with a Click!


It is also sold under the brand names “Norvasc,” Tekamlo, Caduet, Amturnide, and Lotrel. These medications cause side effects like hair loss, headaches, and diarrhea. This drug also plays with your emotional and mental health. You can end up experiencing depression and mood swings that ruin your mental health.

Amlodipine also causes edema in the ankles, swelling the joints to a state that limits their range of motion. You’ll experience painful pulsating and find it hard to wear shoes or even walk around. This drug is a “calcium channel blocker,” lowering your blood pressure levels by slowing the electrical signals to your muscular system.

As the blood vessels constrict, your pressure drops. However, it also interferes with your natural motor skills and leaves you feeling confused.


The final drug of the four horsemen of the blood pressure apocalypse is Chlorothiazide, also known as “Diuril.” It also goes by the brand names Losartan, Valsartan, and Zesteretic. According to user complaints, this medication can cause severe headaches, lightheadedness, blurred vision, and stomach problems.

You might also experience issues like paralysis, muscle cramps, seizures, and even result in a coma. Some people experienced their heart stopping, causing sudden death.

Diuril has “diuretic” properties, flushing the subcutaneous water under your skin and in your muscular system to reduce blood pressure. However, it also flushes out the vital essential minerals in your urine, exposing you to nervous system complications.

Start Your Journey to Healthy BP Today!

What Is the Blood Pressure Solution?

Instead of making yourself reliant on these dangerous medications, try The Blood Pressure Program. This system is the brainchild of Dr. Marlene Merritt. Over her career, she’s helped thousands of people rebalance their blood pressure to the healthy range.

Dr. Merritt operates out of her clinical practice in Austin, Texas. You would pay hundreds of dollars for a single consultation with her. However, today, you get access to her knowledge for a fraction of that cost.

Dr. Merritt is licensed by the Texas State Board of Medical Examiners and the New Mexico Board of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. She also holds a master’s degree in nutrition. She understands what the body needs to drop your blood pressure and improve your health.

Dr. Merritt takes a different approach to medicine. She doesn’t rely on traditional Western medicinal therapies and drugs to resolve blood pressure issues. Instead, she looks at creating a holistic healing effect for the body that lowers your blood pressure and improves your overall well-being.

Dr. Merritt doesn’t believe drug therapies are the answer to your blood pressure problems. The problem with the Western approach to medicine is that it uses drugs to paper over the symptoms produced by the underlying condition. Hopefully, this approach does nothing to resolve the issue; it just makes you feel well enough to operate normally and somewhat enjoy your life experience.

You get access to everything Dr. Merritt learned over her career to help you improve your blood pressure and restore your quality of life. The Blood Pressure solution includes tips and strategies comprised of the latest medical strategies for resolving blood pressure problems used in clinics around the globe.

Thousands of people have benefitted from the Blood Pressure Solution, and you can become the next success story when you order your copy of this powerful healing program today. In the program, you’ll learn about diet tips that Western medicine has all wrong. For instance, modern American nutrition demonizes salt, but this essential mineral is crucial for maintaining optimal heart health and blood pressure.

You learn why foods like butter and bacon aren’t as dangerous for your heart health as previously thought. You’ll get exercise tips and ideas to help you improve your cardiovascular health and drop your blood pressure to the normal range.

You’ll get practical information on the right foods to eat and ideas on how to adjust your lifestyle to bolster your immune system, improve cardiovascular health, and lower your blood pressure to the normal range.

Safeguard Your Health! Get the BP Solution!

Order Your Copy of the Blood Pressure Solution Today

You have two options to let Dr. Merritt help you get your blood pressure under control. First, visit her wellness center in Austin for a personal consultation of your condition. It’s worth the money if you have hundreds of dollars for her time and advice.

The issue with this approach is that you probably don’t have the time or money to visit her in Austin. That’s why Dr. Merritt put her knowledge down in an easy-to-follow system called “The Blood Pressure Solution.”

This e-guide is available today at a fraction of the price of a physical consultation with Dr. Merritt. You get access to The Blood Pressure solution, free bonuses, and telephone consultation for just $47. That’s probably less than you paid for your last prescription, and it offers a sustainable solution to improve your health rather than a quick fix to the problem.

The Blood Pressure Solution is yours today for $47, and you get free bonuses included with your order. Overall, this amazing system has $239.95 worth of value, and you get it for next to nothing when you place your order today. The Blood Pressure Solution is backed by a 100% money-back guarantee. Simply contact the support team for a full refund. No hassle necessary!

The customer support team is available Monday-Sunday between the hours of 8 AM and 5 PM Central time.

You Get Free Bonuses When You Order The Blood Pressure Solution

You’re eligible for free bonuses when you order the Blood Pressure Solution today. You get the following free eBooks included with your order as a digital download as soon as you finalize your order.

  • Bonus #1 – “7-Day Meal Plan: 21 Recipes That Lower Blood Pressure” (Value $19.99).
  • Bonus #2 – “Cheat Sheet: Guidelines for Healthy Eating” (Value $9.99).
  • Bonus #3 – “99 Foods That Naturally Lower Blood Pressure” (Value $24.99).
  • Bonus #4 – “How to Read a Food Label” (Value $14.99).
  • Bonus #5 – “How to Monitor Your Blood Pressure at Home” (Value $19.99).

Don’t miss out on these bonuses!

The Blood Pressure Solution – FAQ

Q: Can I use the blood pressure solution if I’m taking cholesterol medication?

A: Yes. However, it’s a good idea to consult with your doctor before you start to let them know what you’re doing. You’ll experience amazing results with your adaptation of the program, and your doctor will wonder what you’re doing, not bring your blood pressure down. They’ll also need to adjust your medication as you advance with your results.

Q: Is the Blood Pressure Solution doctor-recommended?

A: Yes! This program is written by Dr. Marlene Merritt, a qualified doctor. She has plenty of experience assisting Americans with lowering their blood pressure from dangerous levels by just improving their lifestyle and diet.

Dr. Merrit operates out of her practice in Austin, Texas, where she sees patients every day. You don’t need to book an appointment with her to benefit from her knowledge and treatment protocols. When you order the Blood Pressure Solution, you get access to all her knowledge and treatment therapies for a fraction of the price of a physical consultation.

Achieve Optimal Health! Get the BP Solution!

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