The blood of Jesus

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Ever thought about the blood of Jesus?

It is often overlooked and yet his blood shed for us is the foundation on which his followers stand. It extends mercy to the whole world. Do you need God’s mercy in your life?

Jesus fulfilled the role of both the lamb that was slain and the high priest who sprinkles the blood.

In the Old Testament once a year on the day of Atonement, the High Priest was required to sprinkle the blood of a bull on the mercy seat seven times within the Holy of Holies inside the Tabernacle for the sins of the nation. In the scripture the number seven symbolizes the completion or perfection.

This sprinkling of the blood seven times on the mercy seat was done every year, yet it was an earthly picture of something that would be done once and for all by Jesus Christ, our High Priest, when he sprinkled his own blood upon the mercy seat in Heaven. (see Leviticus 16:14; Hebrews 9:11-14).

Therefore, as the High Priest entering heaven to establish the eternal blood covenant with us, Jesus sprinkled the blood in heaven for us to have overcoming power in our lives by pouring mercy upon us in all areas of our lives. (See Hebrews 9:23-26).

On his journey to present his blood in heaven, Jesus spilled his blood here on earth seven times. At his last supper with his disciples in Matthew 26:28 Jesus declared, “For this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.”

His blood was spilled over seven strategic areas where we struggle with sin. Remember, we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. (see Revelation 12:11).

Those seven times are: 1. In Gethsemane Jesus sweated blood drops providing his mercy for us in our greatest struggles.

2. At the whipping post where blood poured out of his wounds his blood provides mercy to heal us from sickness and lift the burdens we carry.

3. The Roman soldiers pressed a crown of thorns into Jesus’ head and the blood that poured out provides the mercy that heals our mental wounds and frees us from thoughts that pierce our minds.

4. The soldiers pulled out Jesus’ beard and his blood from his face provides mercy to remove shame from our faces.

5. On the cross the blood that poured from his nailed pierced hands provides mercy to cleanse our hands from all we have done wrong.

6. On the cross the blood that poured from his nailed pierced feet provides mercy to cleanse our feet from the places we should not have gone.

7. On the cross when the spear pierced his side the blood that poured out provides mercy to heal every wounding torment that has pierced our hearts.

Each of these seven times his blood was poured out provides mercy completely and strategically for all our struggles with sin.

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