‘Wife-doting madman’: Chinese man sneaks into hospital disguised as doctor to dilute blood sample of drunk-driving wife detained

The actions of a pathologically devoted husband in China who sneaked into a hospital to dilute his wife’s blood sample in a bid to help her escape punishment for drunk driving, has stunned mainland social media.

The incident involves a couple from Dongguan in Guangdong province, southeastern China and stems from a road traffic stop by police on August 8, when officers saw a female, surnamed Huang, driving erratically.

Their suspicions were confirmed by a breathalyser test which revealed a blood alcohol concentration far exceeding the legal limit.

Huang was then taken to hospital for a blood test, but strangely, within a few hours of that test being done, the alcohol level in it had dropped to zero.

Surveillance cameras caught Zhu, dressed in a white lab coat, outside a testing laboratory in the hospital. Photo: Baidu

Puzzled police then launched an investigation which discovered that around 4:45am on the day his wife was stopped, her husband, surnamed Zhu, had sneaked into the hospital disguised as a doctor.

Surveillance footage captured him entering the hospital’s assessment centre laboratory shortly after 5am, where he diluted his wife’s blood sample with water.

A backup sample of Huang’s blood was retested and found to be well over the alcohol limit.


Zhu has been detained by the public security authorities while his wife faces drunk driving charges.

The bizarre tale of devotion has stunned mainland social media.

One person quipped: “I could not stop laughing. He could have diluted it a bit less. How much water did he add to reach zero alcohol concentration? Too much.”

“He only needed to dilute it a bit. Diluting it too much was obviously suspicious,” said another.

Police suspicions were aroused when the alcohol level of the wife’s blood sample plunged to zero. Photo: Getty Images

A third person commented: “As a husband, he is qualified. As a secret agent, he is a failure.”


“Such a wife-doting madman!” said another online observer.

Driving while drunk in China means you lose your licence for five years, and in extreme cases, it can lead to a custodial sentence.
