Jefferson City rallies behind family as two children fight E. coli infection

Community members have come together to surround and support a Jefferson City family in need after two children were hospitalized after being diagnosed with E. coli.

Four-year-old Claire was admitted to MU Hospital on October 14th, and diagnosed with hemolytic uremic syndrome, a severe E. coli infection.

Just two days later, her two-year-old brother joined her in the hospital.

Their condition quickly worsened, and both were airlifted to St. Louis Children’s Hospital Intensive Care Unit on Sunday, October 22, 2023.

“Jacob is just starting to show some progress in the right direction. It’s all about the numbers, and they are watching that, at this point, his numbers are just at the beginning stages of improving, so he’s slowly but surely starting to make a turnaround in the right direction. Claire is just stable,” said Jay Armistead, the children’s grandfather.

Both children have undergone blood transfusions and multiple rounds of dialysis.

Armistead said the hospital was able to identify the E. coli strain, which came from consuming undercooked beef. The health department has been informed, yet Armistead says the primary focus right now is the children’s recovery.

“Our grandkids have a very long road ahead of them. We’re just at the beginning stages of a marathon here. This is not going to be a sprint; it’s going to be a long, rigorous process,” said the grandfather.

Claire and Jacob’s parents are by their side, and their rooms are right beside one another.

The community has launched a GoFundMe campaign for the family, raising nearly $75,000. Others have made heartfelt videos and hashtags, hoping to bring a smile to the family’s faces.

“I truly believe this. When they come out of this on the other side, everybody is healthy, they can look back on this and know that they were not alone through this. They had an army of people supporting them and praying for them, and just these videos to see that and to really remember that when times are hard,” said Johna Trapani, a family friend.

The parents of Jacob and Claire said as of Saturday, Jacob’s condition has improved, and Claire’s gradual return to consciousness.

“The support, the prayers, the outpouring of the donations, everything has just been overwhelming, just awesome,” said Armistead.

St. Martin’s Catholic Parish in Jefferson City is preparing a dinner auction for the family in December. To find donation details, visit

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