A Phase 1 Study of BDTX-4933 in People With Advanced Lung Cancer

Full Title

A Phase 1, Open-label Study of Oral BDTX-4933 in Patients with BRAF and Other Select RAS/MAPK Mutation Positive Neoplasms


Researchers want to find the best dose of BDTX-4933 to use in people with advanced lung cancer. The people in this study have non-small cell lung cancer that has a mutation (change or variant) in the BRAF or KRAS genes (KRAS non-G12C mutation). This mutation can cause cancer cells to grow.

BDTX-4933 blocks the altered BRAF or KRAS proteins, which play a role in cancer cell growth. By blocking these proteins, BDTX-4933 may help slow or stop the growth of your cancer. It is taken orally (by mouth).

Who Can Join

To join this study, there are a few conditions. You must:

  • Have non-small cell lung cancer that has grown beyond its original site or spread and grown after initial standard treatment.
  • Have non-small lung cancer with a mutation in the BRAF or KRAS (non-G12C) genes.
  • Have recovered from the serious side effects of previous therapies before taking BDTX-4933.
  • Be well enough to walk and take care of yourself. You must be able to do activities such as office work or light housework.
  • Be age 18 or older.


For more information or to see if you can join this study, please call Dr. Michael Offin’s office at 646-608-3763.

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