34 people donate at Atonement blood drive in Jamestown

JAMESTOWN — Atonement Lutheran Church hosted a blood drive for Vitalant on Oct. 13, which collected 43 units of blood products for patients in need.

Thirty-eight individuals volunteered to donate blood, and 34 individuals were able to donate at the drive. Seven donors gave Power Red Cells, where two units of red blood cells are collected while returning platelets, plasma and a saline solution to the donor.

One person was a first-time volunteer.

Vitalant expressed its gratitude to Atonement Lutheran Church for providing the location and the Jamestown Volunteer Center for assisting at the drive.
Vitalant strives to keep a five-day supply of every blood type on the shelf at all times to be able to meet the needs of patients across the region. Vitalant is the only blood provider to nearly 70 hospitals across the region.

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