Morocco shares ToBRFV suffering, infections since 2021

Suspicions were already there, but officially, Morocco was still free of ToBRFV. An update from EPPO has now changed that. The European plant health authority is adopting a notification from Morocco’s plant health colleagues. It states that in October 2021, Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus was found for the first time.

After the first official finding in the Souss-Massa region, the Dakhla region also became infected in 2022. Subsequently, around 10 infections in tomato crops were confirmed during the 2022-2023 season. Contaminated seeds are cited as the source.

ToBRFV has had Q status in Morocco since 2018. In infections, infected plants have been destroyed, restrictions imposed on the cultivation of host plants, and hygiene measures taken. It reported that crop losses due to the virus continued in 2023, and costs were incurred due to the virus.

Source: EPPO Reporting Service No 10 2023

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