Experts warn Hongkongers to prepare for winter rise in flu, Covid cases

As Hong Kong steps into winter, Tony Ko Pat-sing, the Hospital Authority chief executive, warned residents to prepare for a rise in flu cases.

This is the first winter without a mandatory mask-wearing policy since the Covid-19 pandemic began, and people’s immunity has weakened.

Ko said he expected a high number of influenza – also called the flu – infections since people have more physical contact with each other now.

“I would urge Hongkongers to get vaccinated as soon as possible since the jab usually takes several weeks to take effect,” he said.

“Children, in particular, will be more vulnerable as they have not been exposed to any major flu virus in the past three years.”

A Centre for Health Protection spokesman said: “Influenza can cause serious illnesses in high-risk individuals and even healthy persons.”

He added that a person infected with both the flu and Covid at the same time could develop more serious symptoms and face a higher risk of death.

The spokesman urged children and the elderly in community or residential care homes to get vaccinated against both infections as soon as possible.

Quiz time

  1. What has Tony Ko warned people about?

  2. When should Hongkongers get vaccinated?

  3. Why does Ko expect a high number of infections this winter?

  4. Which groups should be extra careful about getting sick?

  5. Can healthy people still be affected by influenza?

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