Novartis slots PhI cardiovascular candidate into pipeline, paying Korean partner $80M upfront

No­var­tis is pluck­ing a Phase I small mol­e­cule can­di­date out of Ko­rea that it be­lieves can treat a va­ri­ety of dis­eases — in­clud­ing cer­tain car­dio­vas­cu­lar con­di­tions.

Hand­ing Chong Kun Dang Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal (CKD) an up­front pay­ment of $80 mil­lion, No­var­tis bought ex­clu­sive rights to an HDAC6 in­hibitor, dubbed CKD-510, every­where in the world ex­cept in Ko­rea. Mile­stones can add up to $1.225 bil­lion be­fore count­ing tiered roy­al­ties, mak­ing it CKD’s largest con­tract ever, CEO Kim Young-Joo told Ko­rea Bio­Med.

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