CLE Weekend Extras: Jamie’s Cord Blood Day Story


“I will never forget that message. It’s emotional for me to talk about as I learned that in fact my son’s cord blood was used to save someone’s life.”

This was a quote when I sat down and interviewed CCBC Executive Director Marcie Finney on 19 News in September 2022. The goal was to to help build awareness in Northeast Ohio.

When given the option to donate my son’s umbilical cord blood, I learned from Cleveland Cord Blood Center that most cord blood in the world is discarded as medical waste. Ahead of delivering, I educated myself about the process and how cord blood donation saves lives. CCBC was great in explaining to me just how safe it was and as well as the process.

This has been a life changing experience for my family! I can’t wait until my son is old enough to understand how much he changed a life. I have done as much as I can to advocate for cord blood donation. I encourage you to do the same. This is something we will never forget. Please know that cord blood donation is safe for mom, baby, labor and delivery. Who wouldn’t want the opportunity to save a life at no cost to you.

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