COVID, flu, and RSV – what if you get more than one at the same time?

COVID, flu, and RSV – what if you get more than one at the same time?

COVID, flu, and RSV – what if you get more than one at the same time?


BOSTON – This winter will likely bring a sharp rise in three big respiratory infections but some are wondering what happens if you get more than one infection at a time.

We’re generally talking about COVID, the flu, and RSV, and you can get infected with more than one at the same time, typically COVID and the flu, and the combo could make you incredibly ill, especially if you’re older, or very young, or have underlying medical conditions that put you at risk for complications. The good news is that there are medications to treat high-risk patients for both COVID and the flu.  And there are vaccines to reduce the chance of infection and minimize symptoms for all three.

So, if you haven’t done so yet, the CDC director is urging Americans to get a COVID and flu vaccine before Thanksgiving, in time for the holidays, when we’ll be gathering and partying and breaking bread together. If you’re 65 and older, you should also get an RSV vaccine. 

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