Donald Trump’s bold campaign promise: ‘A gallon’ of enemy blood for every American drop

In a recent campaign advertisement, Donald Trump, the Republican presidential candidate, has made a striking declaration, promising to retaliate heavily against any attacks on Americans. The ad, which has gained widespread attention on social media, begins with the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel and Israel’s subsequent response.
In the video, Trump is heard saying, “History shows very plainly that evil only respects one thing: unyielding strength.” He further pledges that upon his potential return to the White House, he will ensure that America’s adversaries are well aware of the severe consequences they will face.Trump states, “If they spill one drop of American blood, we will spill a gallon of yours.”
The advertisement also credits Trump with the elimination of the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) terrorist group, which had previously controlled large territories in Syria and Iraq. It asserts that his approach of projecting strength maintained peace in the Middle East and kept America away from prolonged conflicts.
Furthermore, the ad criticizes the current US administration under President Joe Biden for allegedly providing financial support to Iran. This support, the ad suggests, indirectly aided Hamas militants in planning their attack on Israel. Earlier, the Biden administration had issued sanctions waivers to allow South Korean banks to release $6 billion in frozen Iranian funds as part of a prisoner exchange deal. Since Trump’s withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal in 2018, tens of billions of dollars owed to Iran for oil and other exports have been frozen in banks globally.
Iran has refuted claims of assisting the Gaza-based militant group in planning the attack on Israel. However, a Wall Street Journal report claimed that Iran had trained around 500 Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad fighters about a month before the attack.
Trump initially mentioned his willingness to “spill a gallon” of enemy blood in late October at the Republican Jewish Coalition Conference, during the ongoing Israeli military campaign against Gaza. He also proposed canceling student visas for “Hamas sympathizers on college campuses,” and claimed that US college campuses are being overtaken by such elements.
The Israeli military campaign, launched in response to the Hamas attack, has reportedly resulted in over 11,000 Palestinian deaths in Gaza, according to the World Health Organization.
During his presidency, Trump relocated the US embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and proposed the “deal of the century” for Middle East peace, which involved the creation of a Palestinian state within Israeli territory. These actions were celebrated by Israel but faced strong condemnation from the Muslim world.

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