Suncoast residents give blood for Israel


Temple Emanu-El hosted a blood drive this morning with two buses from the Suncoast Blood Center parked outside. Over 30 members and other Sarasota residents signed up to give blood that will be sent to Israel.

The Suncoast Blood Center has a partnership with the Israeli Red Cross, which made this special day of donations possible.

We spoke with eager donors about why they decided to give blood.

‘I think it’s my duty to help provide the blood that they need,’ said Ruth Skole, a Temple Emanu-El member.

‘You know there’s so little that we can do,’ said Alice Golub. ‘I can’t go over and fight, but it’s painless just to lay here for 20 minutes and give life, because that’s what giving blood is, giving life,’ she continued.

The Suncoast Blood Center buses also sat outside of another temple a couple weeks ago collecting more blood for Israel.

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