Local Hy-Vee Stores Offering Free Blood-Sugar Checks in November

4:12 PM | Tuesday, November 14, 2023

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November is National Diabetes Awareness Month and Hy-Vee in New Hope is making it easy for people to test their blood sugar levels.

More than 50 Hy-Vee store locations are offering free Hemoglobin A1c screenings through the month of November. Those numbers measure glucose levels and indicate whether your blood sugar is in normal, pre-diabetic or diabetic range.

“Diabetes is very prevalent, unfortunately, across the world but also in the United States, and its often silent. So someone may not know that they have it,” said Alea Lester Fite, a registered dietician at Hy-Vee in New Hope. “That’s why it’s always a good idea to get your numbers checked and make sure that your health is in order, and you are staying on top of those things.”

The test starts with a finger prick. Then a sample of blood is collected and put into a machine on site. The machine takes about five minutes to return the results.

This machine detects A1c levels on-site. Anything under 5.7% is considered normal, while 5.7-6.4% is pre-diabetic and 6.5% or higher is considered diabetic.

If a patient’s A1c number is high, Lester Fite suggests making an appointment with a primary care physician to talk about next steps. Resources are also available at the store.

“If they are looking for more nutrition resources, we can definitely offer that for them here as well. Through our balancing our blood sugar program, or any of our nutritional programming or counseling,” Lester Fite said.

The free testing is also available at other area Hy-Vees, including the Maple Grove and Brooklyn Park locations. More information and a form to sign up is available on the dietician page of Hy-Vee’s website.

Screenings are available while supplies last. Once the promotion ends, Lester Fite said screenings at Hy-Vee cost $45.

New Hope

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