Sacramento father clinging to life after strep infection develops into serious illness

A Sacramento father of three is clinging to life at UC Davis Medical Center after a common strep infection developed into something much more serious.

SACRAMENTO, California — The family of Matt Gilbert, a former pole vaulter at Sacramento State University, has been at his side since he checked into the emergency room last Wednesday. They are now calling on other families to be mindful of their health as cold and flu season approaches. 

Doctors told the family that what started as a common strep infection developed into pneumonia in Gilbert’s lungs, and from there, a case of sepsis, impairing his heart’s ability to function. 

“He’s a healthy strong man, so never in a million years would I think that we would be in this position right now,” said his wife, Brynn Gilbert. 

Brynn said it didn’t seem like a big deal when her husband started feeling sick. With three kids at home, sniffles here and there are not uncommon. 

But by Wednesday evening, Gilbert decided to go to the emergency room. 

“It’s been a nightmare,” said Brynn. 

By Thursday morning, Gilbert’s brother-in-law Joel Crawford learned that his condition was escalating quickly. 

“It’s been hard,” Crawford said, adding it’s been heartbreaking to look at Gilbert’s children and not be able to tell them with 100% certainty that their dad is going to come home.

However, good news came Monday when doctors told Gilbert’s family that his condition is improving after another operation. 

“They have rectified a lot of the cardiac issues, but his lungs are still riddled with pneumonia, and he’s still on a ventilator and we’ve been cautioned that he has a long way to go,” said Crawford. 

Now, the family is calling on others not to ignore coughs and sniffles during this cold and flu season. 

“If Matt didn’t go to the emergency room when he did, the doctors have told us that he would have died,” said Brynn. 

The family is raising money with a GoFundMe to help with medical bills, anyone interested can donate here.


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