Letter: Blood thirsty

Blood thirsty

The GOP debates are scary. It seems both Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis are eager to bring on WW3.

Haley (she who became rich giving speeches for the military industrial complex) wants Israel to finish the genocide in Gaza with “finish them.” And DeSantis says on how to deal with Iran and maybe Gaza, “Kill them all.”

It is as if who could be the most belligerent and blood thirsty. Never mind that they have no clear goal or solution once they succeed with their warmongering.

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Meanwhile, Israel seems intent on carrying out Haley’s declaration as the ground invasion of Gaza is now directly attacking schools and hospitals and our media echoes Israeli talking points with no evidence provided.

Hamas had headquarters in the hospital or school or whatever. No proof is ever given, and we are supposed to merely accept it because Israel represents the good guys, despite multitudes of evidence to the contrary.

Now let’s look at the attack on Al-Shifa Hospital. Water and power were first cut off. Babies on incubators began dying — real babies with pictures. Patients on ICU were left to die without power. Then real doctors and nurses were killed with real bullets.

— Jerry King, Kilgore

“And He was saying to them all, ‘If anyone wants to come after Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow Me.’ “

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