Blood West collaborate with viral rock band Ghoultown

Hyperstrange is bringing its FPS Blood West out of Early Access, and to mark the occasion it’s teamed up with viral rock band Ghoultown. The music video for the track ‘I Am Undead’ has been created by award-winning animation studio Smile Studios, which is being described as ” a western heavy metal ballad about one gunslinger’s eternal damnation.”

The revenant gunslinger ventures into the abandoned Ghoultown, a hell-ridden nightmare despite the welcome sign in view, enjoying a sip of drink before all breaks loose. The music band Ghoultown, combining elements of rock, metal, and Western, take us on a cowpunk journey through the fights and killings of the undead gunslinger, blood and guts spilling after every shot, with our protagonist falling horribly to the overwhelming odds, only to awaken once again and walking back into the punishment.

The band at the heart of the collaboration is made up of guitarists Count Lyle, Jake Middlefinger, and Lizard Lazario, bassit Santi, drummer Dalton Black, and trumpetist Randy Graham. Ghoultown and Blood West’s collaboration is both a tribute and a celebration of the game, with the music video capturing the “bizarre nature of a cursed gunman roaming through the old wild west in a murdering rampage of horrifying monsters, and as the game does as well, the fun of it all.”

Blood West is an immersive wild west stealth FPS with RPG elements where, as a revenant desperado, you take on the twisted demons and eldritch horrors, while you search for the means to end the curse that has befallen the frontier, and maybe find some peace for your wicked soul. One quest after another, the spirits of the land will lead you towards even greater challenges in a story-rich non-linear adventure. And whatever your path may be – things will get rough. For hell is empty and all the devils are here!

We played a preview of Blood West and said, “Blood West has taken all the best elements of classics like Thief and STALKER to create an oppressive and compelling FPS. The sinister wild west setting is truly wonderful, and the way it handles stealth is ideal for someone like me who has always struggled with sneaking. It’ll likely be too hard for some to cope with, but if you’re in the market for an old school shooting experience then you’re in for a treat.”

The third and final part of Blood West’s story releases with the full game launch on December 5. You can watch the Ghoultown video for Blood West below:

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