Mumbai News: Amid Dipping Stocks, SBTC Appeals To Hold Blood Donation Camps

Mumbai: Amid dipping stocks at blood banks across Maharashtra, including Mumbai, the State Blood Transfusion Council (SBTC) has appealed to the organisers, NGOs and religious trust to hold blood donation camps. Besides, it has also instructed blood banks to organise blood donation camps as per their requirements. The city stock will barely last for 2-3 days while the data on the e-raktkosh portal clearly shows that all the blood banks have run out of stock. Meanwhile, experts said that the problem is likely to continue for the next 10-12 days.

According to a blood transfusion official, Mumbai is reeling under acute shortage of blood, which is affecting needy patients and making them run from pillar to post. “It has been more than 10 days since blood is out of stock and it will continue for more days as most voluntary donors are out of town for Diwali vacation. The SBTC and blood banks are aware of this situation, but nothing is being done apart from issuing appeals to organise blood donation camps,” the official said.

Dip in blood supply during Diwali

Expressing concern over the fact that 25,000-30,000 blood units are currently available across the state, a senior official pointed out that every year during Diwali vacations, the city faces blood shortage. Asserting that the problem recurs every year leaving beneficiaries in lurch, the official said, “We need backup options. Many voluntary donors are normally on vacation, so we issue circulars, asking societies, NGOs, hospitals and local corporators to hold blood donation camps depending on their capacity so that there is no wastage,” he said.

NGO Think Foundation’s Vinay Shetty emphasised that the blood banks should have been better prepared in advance, considering the observed drop in blood donation camps every year during Diwali and summer holidays. However, an official said that given the persistent demand, it’s crucial to engage with the community through various channels to highlight the critical need, especially for road accident victims, transplant cases and dengue patients requiring platelets.

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