Otago scoops $3.5m in Career Development Awards

  • Māori Health Summer Studentships – $7500

Kaiah Bloor, University of Otago – Chemical synthesis of novel antimicrobial compounds
In response to the urgent need of treatment against multi drug resistant pathogens, this summer studentship research opportunity focuses on the chemical synthesis of hit analogues for antimicrobial and biofilm inhibition compounds. This research will contribute to developing alternative treatment options for infection, which is particularly relevant to Māori health. Māori are disproportionally represented in the New Zealand healthcare system compared to non-Māori, making this research vital to achieve equitable health outcomes for Māori. As an undergraduate Māori student, the researcher deeply values the significance of addressing these unique health challenges faced by Māori. The researcher aspires to encourage younger generations of both Māori and non-Māori by sharing the progress of their research and demonstrating the potential impact its results may have in this ‘antibiotic crisis’.

Tori-Lee Brown, University of Otago – Māori experiences and perceptions of self-regulatory treatments for chronic pain

Knee Osteoarthritis (OA) is a health condition resulting in disability and reduced quality of life. It is a highly prevalent musculoskeletal health condition among Māori. Chronic pain associated with knee OA is linked to the hypersensitivity of the central nervous system resulting in higher pain experience in people with knee OA. Therefore, treatment targeting the nervous system may be a helpful intervention to reduce pain in knee OA. Any new interventions developed and tested should be appropriate culturally and acceptable for Māori, thereby reducing barriers and health inequalities between Māori and non-Māori. This summer research project explores Māori experiences and perceptions of self-regulatory interventions such as Mindfulness Meditation and Neurofeedback Training for improving health and well-being in people with knee OA. The qualitative findings will provide important information regarding minimising perceived difficulties and barriers and
improving acceptability and treatment adherence in the full trial.

Eilish Dalley, University of Otago – Systemic Bias – Eating Disorder Awareness in Indigenous Communities

This project will use the research findings from Tangata Kōmuramura: Māori Experiences of Eating Disorders project, to develop resources that should help tangata whaiora, their whānau, and clinicians in the identification and management of eating disorders for Māori. The research was the first of its kind to explore: the enablers/barriers to accessing diagnoses and treatment; explanatory factors, experiences of treatment, and what helps with recovery from the perspective of Māori with eating disorders, and their whānau. It is envisaged that the seminal findings could develop resources that support tangata whaiora with eating disorders, their whānau, and clinicians.

Tira McLachlan, University of Otago – Investigating a novel gene causing Meier-Gorlin syndrome

This summer studentship project investigates an uncommon type of microcephalic primordial dwarfism known as Meier-Gorlin syndrome. Clinically, this syndrome expresses distinct facial features, short stature, reduced head size and many other phenotypical symptoms. Genes associated with this autosomal recessive condition are involved in DNA replication. This is a very significant cellular process that ensures sufficient production of two identical DNA copies. The researchers have found variants within a critical gene known as DONSON that cause MGS. This protein functions within replication to ensure that stability is maintained throughout the process’s progression. They hypothesise that these DONSON variants are affecting the way the protein typically functions. Thus, they are eager to investigate the protein-protein interactions through a range of precipitation and identification techniques. This will allow them to determine how these DONSON variants cause Meier-Gorlin and other microcephalic, short stature, limb abnormalities syndromes.

Nasya Thompson, University of Otago – An Exploration of Knowledge Exchange between Rongoā and Medical Practitioners

The World Health Organization recognises the value of integrating traditional medicine, like Māori healing (Rongoā Māori), into Western healthcare systems. However, in New Zealand, Rongoā Māori and mainstream healthcare often function independently, limiting potential benefits of their collaboration. There is concern that such integration could risk cultural misappropriation, and a level of distrust exists between both sets of practitioners. The potential for improved health outcomes, especially for Māori individuals who currently show lower rates of participation and satisfaction in mainstream healthcare, suggests a need for improved understanding and collaboration. This study aims to foster mutual respect and collaboration between Rongoā Māori and Western medicine by exploring the perspectives of both sets of practitioners. Using semi-structured interviews, the study will seek to understand what each group believes the other should know about their respective practices. The insights will potentially enhance health outcomes for the Māori community.

Jessica Watson, University of Otago – Cardiac rehabilitation delivery for Māori and other indigenous populations

Cardiac rehabilitation leads to better health-related outcomes for people with cardiovascular disease. However, attendance at such programmes are low due to many barriers, including distance. Māori and other indigenous populations are known to be disproportionately impacted by the burden of cardiovascular disease. Ensuring that cardiac rehabilitation programmes are designed to meet the needs of disproportionately burdened populations, and are accessible to those living rurally, may increase engagement with cardiac rehabilitation for these populations. The aim of this project is to review the literature for the preferences of people living rurally, and Māori and other indigenous populations for the design and delivery of home and community-based cardiac rehabilitation. A scoping review of cardiac rehabilitation guidelines from several countries impacted by colonisation will also be undertaken to explore if and how these guidelines strive for equity for rural and indigenous populations through recommendations for the design and delivery of cardiac rehabilitation.

James Wilson, University of Otago – Kaupapa Māori Research approach to assessing biomechanics of Mau Rākau

Māori movement practices, such as mau rākau, have been used traditionally by Māori as forms of exercise, rehabilitation and agility training. Mau rākau is a martial art form which may be useful in physiotherapy, similar to the martial art form, Tai Chi, adopted by physiotherapists in falls prevention. The proposed research is part of a wider project exploring biomechanical analysis describing mau rākau movement. This project will qualitatively ask the experiences of kaumatua
performing mau rākau and slowed mau rākau and experiences of participating in biomechanical research.

  • Māori Health Masters Scholarship

Sheree Tikao-Harkess, University of Otago – $32,323, Envisioning a Kaupapa Māori approach to post-injury health service delivery

The whakapapa of our health system is based on a westernized world view, an approach that has failed Māori. Māori experience less access to injury and rehabilitation services including primary health care, hospital care, and accident and disability support services such as ACC. This study will use a Kaupapa Māori approach to prioritise the whakaaro and mātauraka of Māori post musculoskeletal injury.

  • Māori Health PhD Scholarship

Laura Gemmell, University of Otago – $141,000, Te toi o te aitanga A kaupapa Māori analysis of the New Zealand Sexual Health Strategy

Arianna Nisa-Waller, University of Otago – $135,550, Pīkau i te Anamata: Re-imagining Postpartum Care in Aotearoa

This PhD study is underpinned by a kaupapa Māori narrative epistemological approach working with whānau Māori to encourage the development and sharing of whānau narratives that usher in the old practice and metaphorical traditions of pīkau (baby wearing or carrying). This framework will be used to explore the collective postnatal and parenting journeys for whānau Māori living in the Otago region. This study also strives to explore the domains of mātuatanga or parenthood and the ways whānau Māori define parenthood from their experiences navigating various health care services in the community. The research team takes its lead from international research on the postpartum phase but the researcher’s intention is for whānau to be self-determining of the language they would like to use that place them in their roles as kaihāpai (advocates) , kaimanaaki (nurturers) and mātua (parental figures) within their whānau context.

  • Māori Health Clinical Training Fellowship

Dr Hana Royal, University of Otago – $265,000, Nitrate in drinking water and congenital anomalies: a retrospective cohort study

This research will investigate the association between nitrate in drinking water and congenital anomalies. It will conduct a retrospective cohort study using a national cohort of births from 2009-2021 (~700,000) to assess the impact of prenatal exposure to nitrate in drinking water on congenital anomalies. The cohort will be identified using the Integrated Data Infrastructure (IDI) which will provide individual-level data on key confounders. Nitrate exposure via drinking water will be
assessed through collation of testing results and spatial data on water supply boundaries from registered water supplies. The project has a specific focus on water sources in the Ngāi Tahu Takiwā and includes primarily testing of key drinking water sites (e.g. Ngāi Tahu marae).

  • Māori Health Development Grant

Te-Rina King-Hudson, University of Otago – $10,000, Co-design of a kaupapa Māori research project on ageing biomarkers

We are living longer but not necessarily healthier lives. This has placed increasing burdens on individuals and society. Ageing biomarkers are emerging as promising tools for early risk screening of age-related disease, and for developing/monitoring interventions for healthy ageing. To uphold te Tiriti-obligations, future ageing marker research in Aotearoa must be representative and responsive to Māori. With this developmental grant, the research team will co-design a full Kaupapa Māori research project proposal focused on the use of emerging ageing markers in Aotearoa New Zealand. The subsequent full proposal will inform development of a framework for understanding and promoting equitable use of ageing marker data.

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