Understanding How Detox Works: 10 Do’s and 4 Dont’s to Follow

If you are considering a detoxification journey, it’s crucial to gain a comprehensive understanding of how it works. This guide will walk you through the 10 “Do’s” and 4 “Don’ts” that are essential to ensure a successful detox process. Presented by New Waters Recovery, a reputable North Carolina detox facility committed to helping individuals overcome addiction, this guide offers valuable insights to help you embark on a path toward recovery.

Let’s delve deeper into these recommendations, beginning with the 10 “Do’s”:


1. Hydrate with Abundance: Water is the foundation of life and plays a pivotal role in the detoxification process. It acts as a natural purifier, flushing toxins out of your system. Ensure you consume at least eight to twelve glasses of water daily to support your body’s detoxification efforts. You can enhance your hydration by incorporating green juices and herbal teas into your routine.

2. Adopt a Plant-Based Diet: A plant-based diet is teeming with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that are instrumental in detoxifying your body. Embrace a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds, as these foods are excellent for eliminating toxins. Steer clear of processed and packaged foods, especially those laden with unhealthy fats, salt, or sugar.

3. Prioritize Lean Protein: Lean protein is vital for muscle growth, repair, and detoxification. Include sources like chicken, fish, and legumes in your diet. These proteins can also contribute to the well-being of your liver, a key organ in the detox process. Avoid red meats and processed meats, as they are high in saturated fats and cholesterol.

4. Regular Exercise: Physical activity offers a myriad of benefits, including increased energy levels and enhanced circulation. It also facilitates the elimination of toxins through sweat. Additionally, exercise improves the function of your lymphatic system. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercises on a minimum of five days each week, which may involve activities such as jogging, yoga, or cycling.

5. Prioritize Quality Sleep: Adequate sleep is a critical component of the detoxification process. Aim for 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night and avoid caffeine or alcohol before bedtime to ensure a restful slumber.

6. Manage Stress: Chronic stress can lead to toxin accumulation in your body, as the stress hormone cortisol can interfere with the detox process. Employ stress-reducing techniques such as meditation, yoga, and deep breathing to keep stress at bay. Even a few minutes of mindfulness practice each day can significantly ease the detoxification process.

7. Dry Brush Your Skin: Utilize a natural bristle brush to stimulate your lymphatic system, which is instrumental in eliminating toxins from your body. This technique also has the added benefit of enhancing your skin’s appearance.

8. Indulge in Epsom Salt Baths: Epsom salt baths are renowned for their ability to remove toxins from your body through the skin. Epsom salt contains minerals like magnesium, which can improve muscle function and reduce inflammation. To experience the benefits, add two cups of Epsom salt to a warm bath and soak for 20 to 30 minutes. Not only will it aid detoxification, but it will also promote relaxation and tranquility.

9. Savor Herbal Teas: Herbal teas, in addition to providing hydration, offer specific detoxification benefits. Consider ginger, dandelion root, and milk thistle teas to support your liver. Consuming two cups of herbal tea daily can aid the detoxification process.

10. Listen to Your Body: While detoxification is a personalized journey, it’s crucial to pay attention to your body’s signals and needs. If you feel fatigued, allow yourself to rest and recuperate. Avoid pushing your body too hard; gentleness is key. Adjust your exercise routine or increase your sleep if necessary. Ignoring your body’s cues can lead to injuries and hinder the detox process.


1. Avoid At-Home Detox: If you’re undergoing detox as part of your addiction treatment, it’s unsafe to attempt it at home. Withdrawal symptoms can become severe and even life-threatening. To ensure your safety, detox in an inpatient facility with qualified professionals available 24/7 to manage your symptoms.

2. Refrain from Unhealthy Eating: Consuming a diet high in saturated fats, cholesterol, salt, and sugar can impede the detoxification process. Make dietary adjustments as recommended in the “Do’s” section to support your detox journey.

3. Stress Management is Vital: Unmanaged stress can undermine your detox efforts and harm your physical and mental well-being. Prioritize stress management through mindfulness practices and exercises to improve your body’s ability to detoxify.

4. Cease Drug Use: Continuing to use drugs and substances will negate the purpose of detoxification. It’s imperative to cease drug use as soon as possible. The detox process can begin once you stop using, with withdrawal symptoms commencing within days, depending on your substance of choice. Initiate your recovery journey promptly, as detox is a crucial step in the process.

By diligently incorporating these 10 essential “Do’s” while steadfastly avoiding the 4 crucial “Don’ts,” you are taking a proactive and responsible approach to your detoxification journey. This comprehensive framework is designed to not only enhance the effectiveness of the detox process but also to prioritize your safety and well-being at every step.

At New Waters Recovery, we want you to know that you are not alone on this transformative journey. We are fully committed to your success and are here to offer unwavering support throughout your recovery process. Our dedicated team is equipped with the knowledge, experience, and compassion needed to guide you through this challenging but immensely rewarding path.

With New Waters Recovery by your side, you can have confidence that you are in capable hands, and that every effort will be made to ensure that your detoxification experience is as smooth, effective, and comfortable as possible. This commitment to your care extends beyond the detox process, encompassing your entire journey toward recovery and a healthier, more fulfilling life. Your well-being is our priority, and we are here to assist you in achieving the positive outcomes you seek.