Tomato-Blood Pressure Link; Afib and Neuroticism; Nerve Stimulation for POTS

People with more tomato consumption tended to have a lower risk of hypertension. (European Journal of Preventive Cardiology)

In stroke patients with large infarct core volumes, baseline ASPECTS score did not predict outcomes of thrombectomy. (JAMA Neurology)

Introducing the Plaque-RADS score for classifying carotid plaque composition and morphology via different imaging modalities. (JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging)

For people with atrial fibrillation (Afib) and intermediate stroke risk, oral anticoagulant therapy was associated with ischemic protection in a Norwegian nationwide cohort study. (European Heart Journal)

A causal link between neuroticism and Afib was supported by epidemiologic and Mendelian randomization data. (JACC: Asia)

A novel technique of periodicity and similarity mapping improved catheter ablation results for persistent Afib in a small randomized trial. (JAMA Network Open)

Point-by-point pulsed field ablation showed promise as an approach to managing Afib, leaving durable lesions without signs of collateral injury in preclinical experiments in swine. (Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology)

There was more incident Afib found among people who had COVID-19 compared with a prepandemic cohort who had survived acute upper respiratory infections. (Open Heart)

Noninvasive vagus nerve stimulation for postural tachycardia syndrome passed the hurdle of a small, sham-controlled randomized trial. (JACC: Clinical Electrophysiology)

The odds of complete removal of implantable cardioverter-defibrillator leads by transvenous lead extraction were lower with decade-old leads and Linox family leads. (EP Europace)

The abbreviated dual antiplatelet therapy in MASTER-DAPT seemed to benefit women — but not men — with high bleeding risk who had undergone percutaneous coronary intervention. (JAMA Cardiology)

High growth differentiation factor-15 concentration showed some prognostic value after non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome. (Heart)

A heart attack survivor was glad to hear Pink Floyd in the catheterization lab and later invited his interventional cardiologist to play an open mic night together at a pub. (Inside Edition)

A mother’s preeclampsia was accompanied by cord blood DNA methylation signatures with implications of long-term cardiovascular risk in her children. (eBioMedicine)

  • Nicole Lou is a reporter for MedPage Today, where she covers cardiology news and other developments in medicine. Follow

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