Almost half of Gen Z are ‘germaphobes’ and handwash 10-times or more…

If cleanliness is next to godliness, then maybe we should start worshipping Gen Z.

A recent survey of more than 1,000 college-age youth reported that 45% of them are “hyperconscious of germs.”

And while 47% said that they wash their hands five to 10 times a day, a whopping 32% — nearly a third — lather up between 11 and 20 times each day.

That’s roughly once every hour in many cases, possibly the result of pandemic-era cleanliness routines that have now become ingrained habits.

The survey, conducted by College Rover, also found that 31% of Gen Z change their bed linens once a week or more.

Almost half of Gen Z claims to be germaphobic.
Almost half of Gen Z claims to be germaphobic.
Getty Images/iStockphoto

And they expect others to follow suit: Almost three out of every 10 college students have reported a roommate to their resident advisor (RA) for cleanliness issues.

Another reason college-age Gen Zers might be hyperconscious of cleanliness is that their campus dorm rooms, cafeterias, bathrooms and computer labs tend to be disgusting places.

The report reveals that dining tables in the average college cafeteria harbor 60,000 times the bacteria of a typical household toilet seat. And one in four students in the survey said they’d found a used condom somewhere on campus or in their dorms.

Even campus laundry rooms were germ-infested, with more than 30 million colony-forming bacteria in them, making them worse than cafeteria tables — and the study only looked for bacteria, not viruses.

College dorm rooms, cafeterias, bathrooms and computer labs tend to be full of bacteria and other germs.
College dorm rooms, cafeterias, bathrooms and computer labs tend to be full of bacteria and other germs.
Getty Images/iStockphoto

“College campuses are a breeding ground for bacteria,” Bill Townsend, founder and CEO of College Rover told The Post.

“It’s the first time thousands of people live alone, without anyone cleaning up after them. Without any constant hygienic habits, germs can build up quickly,” he said.

The worst offenses they encountered, according to the college students, were not cleaning up bodily fluids, not covering up when sneezing or coughing, not showering regularly and not washing hands after using the bathroom.

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