Callaway Employee Benefits Association steps up for ‘Giving Tuesday’ amidst nationwide blood shortage

Hospitals everywhere need blood due to the ongoing blood shortage. Today in Fulton, The Callaway Employee Benefits Association (CEBA) organized a Red Cross Blood Drive for the third year at Iron Gate to try and bridge that shortage gap for ‘Giving Tuesday’. Donating blood can save up to three lives, and donating Power Red, a red blood cell donation, can save up to six lives.

The Red Cross encourages donors who wish to donate Power Red with O negative, O positive, A negative, or B negative. Specifically, the donors who are A or B-positive are encouraged to give a whole blood donation, as plasma is needed from these blood types. “I do know that the Red Cross is at an all-time low for blood right now so I know if anybody can give that would be very helpful,” expresses Mikey Salisbury, Cebra Blood Drive Organizer. Salisbury continued to share the reason why she felt a Blood Drive was for a good cause, “Everybody knows someone that has needed blood at one time. And that’s kind of why I do it because my mom has had several blood transfusions for one reason or another.”

The following requirements for those interested in Blood donation:

You must be in good health and feeling well

You must be at least 16 years old in most states

You must weigh at least 110 lbs

The following requirements for those interested in Power Red donation:


Minimum height: 5’3″

Minimum weight: 150 Ibs


Minimum height: 5’1″

Minimum weight: 130 Ibs

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