Nationwide pet insurance review 2023

Types of coverage

Nationwide pet insurance offers three options for accident and illness coverage.

Modular pet insurance plan

  • Deductible: $250
  • Annual coverage limit: $5,000 or Unlimited
  • Reimbursement percentage: 50% to 90%

The Nationwide Modular pet insurance plan lets you choose an annual coverage limit and the option to add benefits like wellness coverage, pet behavioral coverage and prescription pet food and nutritional supplement coverage.

Major medical

  • Deductible: $250
  • Annual coverage limit: Unlimited
  • Reimbursement: Up to a set amount for each covered condition

Nationwide’s Major Medical plan includes coverage for accidents and illness, plus some hereditary conditions. You can also add the pet wellness plan to this policy. The plan reimburses up to a set amount for each covered condition, with an unlimited annual maximum.

Whole pet

  • Deductible: $250
  • Annual coverage limit: $10,000
  • Reimbursement percentage: 50% or 70%

The Whole Pet plan reimburses up to $10,000 per year on eligible veterinary expenses for accidents and illnesses. Congenital and hereditary conditions are also included.


You can add a Nationwide wellness plan to the Modular and Major Medical plans, but not the Whole Pet plan. It includes coverage for wellness exams, flea and heartworm preventives, blood work, urine testing, and vaccinations. In some states, you may be able to buy a standalone pet wellness plan that provides up to $500 in annual wellness benefits.

Additional riders available

There are no additional riders available through Nationwide.


Nationwide offers the following discounts:

  • Employer/organization association discounts.
  • Existing customer discount (5%).
  • Multi-pet discount (starting at 5%).

Nationwide pet insurance reviews

Checking Nationwide pet insurance reviews from current and past customers can help you decide if it is the best pet insurance for your needs. After 234 reviews on Trustpilot, Nationwide has an excellent rating of 4.1 out of 5 stars.

While some provide glowing reviews of customer service, others are frustrated by ineligible expenses and denials due to pre-existing conditions. It’s important to read your policy thoroughly — especially for exclusions — to understand what’s covered and what’s not. When in doubt, contact Nationwide directly.

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