Fontana resident reaches 100 gallons in blood donations

Fontana resident Bruce Lutz, 71, first donated blood 43 years ago when he was 28 years old.

On Nov. 24, Lutz reached his lifetime blood donation milestone, becoming a 100-gallon donor at LifeStream Blood Bank’s Ontario Donor Center.

Lutz, who has lived in the Fontana area since he was 10 years old, said he started giving blood when he was in the U.S. Army.

He then started his own plastic molding business, which he ran for 30 years, all while continuing to donate platelets and plasma at the Ontario Donor Center.

“I donate because it can save someone’s life,” said Lutz. “God gave me platelets and plasma for free. I wish more people understood how important these products are for patients. I always ask people how many gallons they have donated. There is always a need for more blood donors.”

Lutz’s daughter, granddaughter, and grandson are also blood donors.

“My favorite thing about LifeStream and the Ontario Donor Center are the people who work there. I have gotten to know many of the phlebotomists who have worked there over the years, and some have moved up in the company. It’s nice to see,” he said.

LifeStream is a local, nonprofit blood bank that provides blood products and services to more than 80 Southern California hospitals. For more information, call 800-879-4484 or visit

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