Monthly Archives: November 2023

What Is the Plague?

You might assume that the plague, historically known as the Black Death, is a relic of the past, vanishing alongside knights in armor and medieval village life. However, this ancient scourge, which once swept across the world with deadly consequences, still lingers among us. The disease that plagued our ancestors has not gone extinct; it […]

Black Hairy Tongue

The term “black hairy tongue” may sound alarming, conjuring images of severe medical conditions, but rest assured, this condition is relatively harmless. Black hairy tongue is characterized by the appearance of an elongated, discolored tongue, resulting from bacterial or fungal overgrowth in the mouth. However, there’s no need for undue concern, as this condition can […]

If Your Child Gets a UTI

In the initial years of life, children often encounter a multitude of health issues, from common colds to respiratory infections. However, it is essential to acknowledge that children are not immune to urinary tract infections (UTIs), and these infections can be particularly challenging to detect in young individuals. This article delves into the world of […]

Barrett’s Esophagus: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

Barrett’s esophagus is a consequential and potentially serious complication of a medical condition known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Within the intricate realm of gastroenterology, this condition presents a unique transformation in the esophagus, the muscular tube that facilitates the journey of food from the mouth to the stomach. The hallmark of Barrett’s esophagus is […]

Survey: 80% of ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses held ‘no blood cards’ | The Asahi Shimbun Asia & Japan Watch

As part of a survey documenting abuse among Jehovah’s Witnesses, 81 percent of second-generation followers report possessing cards showing their refusal to receive blood transfusions. According to the survey, released by a team of lawyers, more than 90 percent of respondents said they had experienced physical abuse, such as whippings.  “There are reports that these abusive […]

What to Know About Rice Water for Hair

For centuries, rice water has held an esteemed position in Asian cultures as a versatile beauty treatment. In recent times, it has resurfaced in the limelight, with beauty influencers hailing it as a miraculous elixir for fostering long, healthy hair. The fervor surrounding rice water’s potential benefits for hair has left many intrigued and curious. […]

Your Guide to Prenatal Testing

Pregnancy is a momentous journey, not just for expectant parents but also for the developing child. Prenatal tests play a crucial role in safeguarding the well-being of both the mother and the baby. These tests serve as diagnostic tools to detect potential issues that could impact the health of the baby, such as birth defects […]

New health body proposed to identify emerging threats after lessons of Covid-19 handling

Professor Mary Horgan has been asked by the Government to formulate proposals for a new body intended to identify emerging health threats and help agencies here prepare to deal with them. Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly had announced the intention to form the new body in September on foot of the report by the Public […]