Monthly Archives: November 2023

Peanut Protein Therapy Provides Safe and Effective Treatment for Peanut-Allergic Children

Sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) was reported to be a safe in peanut-allergic children that are 1 to 4 years old, with a high chance of desensitization and remission with earlier treatment, according to research published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Image credit: Tanawut | The clinical trial extended over 3 years and […]

Macabre assortment of JFK assassination artifacts that includes blood-covered leather from limo sells for tens of thousands at auction

Chris Morris November 28, 2023 at 11:17 AM Getty Images The 60th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy has reinvigorated interest in the event, with some of it veering into the obsessive. A recently concluded auction of artifacts from the Kennedy assassination (and presidency) resulted in one buyer paying $46,865 for two […]

JFK assassination artifacts, including a blood-soaked swatch from the car he was riding in, sell for big dollars at auction

The 60th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy has reinvigorated interest in the event, with some of it veering into the obsessive. A recently-concluded auction of artifacts from the Kennedy assassination (and presidency) resulted in one buyer paying $46,865 for two pieces of dried-blood covered leather from the limousine Kennedy was riding […]

Moins d’infections au VIH, plus d’infections sexuellement transmissibles… les chiffres de la santé sexuelle en France

À quelques jours de la journée mondiale de lutte contre le sida, Santé publique France publie ce mardi 28 novembre les chiffres des infections sexuellement transmissibles (en hausse) et du VIH, en baisse. Entre 4200 et 5700 personnes ont décourvert leur séropositiité l’an dernier. Le recours au dépistage est en hausse. Plus de tests mais […]

Doctors fear for China’s elderly as disease peak approaches

A medical expert in China has warned that the ongoing wave of respiratory infections such as “walking pneumonia,” predominately affecting children, may target the country’s elderly next. Older Chinese residents may come into contact with pathogens—with several circulating in the current outbreak—during family gatherings at the end of the year, before the country heads into […]

Avidity, BMS sign $2.3B deal for cardiovascular disease

In a deal that could bring Avidity Biosciences Inc. $2.3 billion if all milestones are met, Bristol Myers Squibb Co. gained global licensing and research rights to Avidity’s antibody oligonucleotide conjugates platform to advance up to five cardiovascular targets. Avidity’s technology, which combines monoclonal antibodies with oligonucleotide therapies, aims to address diseases that are untreatable […]

Coroner’s warning after two young woman on contraceptive pill die from blood clots

A coroner has issued a warning about the risks of the contraceptive pill combined with an often unknown underlying condition after two women died in the same month in similar circumstances. On a morning in September 2021, a 24-year-old Auckland makeup artist sent a text to her flatmate and to her father to say she […]

Monegasque Red Cross awarded medal by Order for International Merit of Blood

This prestigious distinction recognises the actions of the Amicale des Donneurs de Sang de Monaco. The Monegasque Red Cross received a major distinction on November 25. A delegation from the International Federation of Blood Donor Organizations (IFBDO) visited the Monaco Red Cross headquarters and was welcomed by Frédéric Platini, the Secretary General, and Christine Boggiano, […]

New findings on long-term treatment of ADHD and link to cardiovascular disease

<div data-thumb="" data-src="" data-sub-html="Association Between Cumulative Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Medication (ADHD) Use and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease The solid lines represent the adjusted odds ratios, and the shaded areas represent the 95% CIs. In restricted cubic splines analysis, knots were placed at the 10th, 50th, and 90th percentiles of ADHD medication use. Credit: JAMA Psychiatry (2023). […]