Monthly Archives: November 2023

Blood donations needed around holidays, officials say

PLATTSBURGH — As blood supply demand increases and blood donations decrease around the holidays, the Adirondack Regional Blood Center encourages all those eligible to make an effort to donate blood this season. According to their website, the Regional Blood Donor Center, coordinated by The UVM Health Network — Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital, relies on the […]

Donate blood, get ‘Elf’ socks

MONROE COUNTY — The critical need for blood remain. To encourage donations and to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the film “Elf,” those who donate blood through Nov. 30 will receive a pair of “Elf” Red Cross socks, while supplies last. For more details, visit  Donors of all blood types are urged to give, especially […]

Alzheimer’s: Blood tests show promise in identifying disease earlier

Share on PinterestResearchers report that men with Alzheimer’s experience faster cognitive decline than women with the disease. FG Trade/Getty Images Researchers report that two blood tests have shown promise for early identification of Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers also reported that men have faster cognitive decline from dementia than women. Experts note that identifying Alzheimer’s in its […]

Europe Faces Surge In Gastric Infections

Image of microscopic parasite: Cryptosporidium. Credit: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 European health authorities have raised concerns over a significant rise in gastric infections, particularly in Spain, and the UK. According to 20 Minutos, the illness is triggered by the Cryptosporidium parasite, leading to watery diarrhoea and gastrointestinal issues, with […]

CT scans linked to higher risk for blood cancer in kids, study confirms

CT scans are significantly linked to an increased risk of blood cancers in young people, a major multinational study has found. Analysis of data from nearly 1 million people under 22 who underwent at least one CT scan found a strong and clear link between exposure to the scans’ radiation and blood cancers, according to […]

Cholesterol: New study may help pave the way for new treatments

Share on PinterestResearchers are studying the ways that cholesterol is absorbed in the body. /Stocksy/Getty Images Hernandez & Sorokina/Stocksy A new study is deepening researchers’ understanding of how dietary cholesterol enters the bloodstream. Researchers say these findings could pave the way for new cholesterol medications. Experts say that new drug development based on these findings […]

Vascular Biology & Therapeutics Program & Cardiovascular Research Center 2023 Retreat

7:30AM Breakfast 8:20AM Welcome & Introduction Carlos Fernandez-Hernando PhD 8:30AM Keynote Elena Aikawa MD, PhD Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School Naoki Miwa Distinguished Chair in Cardiovascular Medicine Section Head, Cardiovascular Life Sciences Co-director, Center for Interdisciplinary Cardiovascular Sciences Director, Heart Valve Translational Research Program Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital 9:15AM Faculty […]

GSK Gets Positive Opinion for Blood Cancer Drug From EU Regulator

By Christian Moess Laursen GSK said it has received a positive opinion recommending the approval of its blood-cancer treatment momelotinib from the European Medicines Agency. The British pharmaceutical giant said the decision on marketing authorization in the EU is expected by early 2024. The positive opinion was adopted by the Committee for Medicinal Products for […]

France on its way to drastically reduce new HIV infections

Drastic decreases in the time it takes people to move through the HIV cascade of care in France are reported in Clinical Infectious Diseases. Median time from diagnosis to viral control has been reduced from around eight months to two months, thus shortening the period during which people can pass the virus to others. The […]

Thousands more blood plasma donors needed in Birmingham

NHSBT By Shehnaz Khan BBC News, West Midlands A new campaign has been launched to encourage more people to donate blood plasma in the West Midlands. NHS Blood and Transplant [NHSBT] are running the All Types Can Save Lives campaign to highlight that most people can donate, despite their blood type. The Plasma Donor Centre […]