Monthly Archives: November 2023

Welsh Blood says ‘one donation can save six babies’ in call for donors

People are being encouraged to sign up with the news that one donation could save the lives of six babies, or three adults.  According to a report from Welsh Blood, only three per cent of the eligible population in Wales currently donate, which can sometimes leave supplies lower than intended.  People are reminded that you can still […]

China insists mystery respiratory illness is from flu and known pathogens

China has said its outbreak of a respiratory illness stems from the flu and other known pathogens – while questions about its origins rise. A spokesperson from China’s National Health Commission said clusters of respiratory infections across the country are caused by an overlap of common viruses. They cited the influenza virus, rhinoviruses, the respiratory […]

What you might have missed: self aware babies, autonomous excavators, blood physics and female science

Babies (wearing EEG caps) are self-aware at 4 months A baby wearing an EEG cap for the study. Pictured with parent. Credit: University of Birmingham. Babies just 4 months old can understand how their body interacts with the world around them, according to a study in Scientific Reports. “Even in the first few months of […]

Respiratory infection clusters in China not caused by novel virus, says health ministry

A surge in respiratory illnesses across China that has drawn the attention of the World Health Organization is caused by the flu and other known pathogens and not by a novel virus, the country’s health ministry said on Sunday. Recent clusters of respiratory infections are caused by an overlap of common viruses such as the […]

6 In-Flight Exercises to Help Prevent Blood Clots, According to Experts

The ideal exercise to help prevent blood clots is standing up and walking, but that can be tough on a plane. Image Credit: izusek/E+/GettyImages In This Article Whether you’re planning a getaway, taking frequent business trips or visiting family for the holidays, traveling — especially over long distances — can put considerable pressure on your […]

730 new HIV infections recorded in Volta Region last year

An estimated 16,996 persons are living with HIV in the Volta Region. Out of the estimated HIV population, 68 percent are spread among nine municipalities and districts, including Ho, Hohoe, Keta, Ketu South, and Kpando municipalities, as well as Ho West, North Tongu, Central Tongu, South Tongu districts. Meanwhile, 72.2 percent of the estimated people […]

Scientists deliberately infected People with the Zika Virus?

Researchers in the United States (U.S.) have intentionally infected humans with the Zika virus for the first time, which could help advance our understanding of the disease and accelerate efforts to develop treatments and vaccines. Namely, researchers have found a way to safely and effectively infect human volunteers with the Zika virus for the first […]